A bitch is feeling much better today! Thanks again for all the love.
Oh and to Chuck from Louisiana….a bitch has a multitude of Live Journal faithful, but you did bring me some serious laughter-based joy yesterday! Hugs to Live Journal Chuck who eats his grits old school!
Moving forward at 85% of full bitchitude capacity…
2 cups coffee with Splenda and 1% organic milk, 1 Claritin, 2 Sudafed and cigs…
A bitch watched the Today Show this morning and was alarmed to see that Katie Couric has recently bathed in self tanner. Shit, she was a bright autumn orange! And a bitch can’t understand why tans are associated with health yet tanning is so fucking bad for your ass…and why would Miz Perfect perpetuate a physical image that, if achieved through nature, will result in rawhide skin and cancer? Whatever…the woman was distractingly freakish.
So, Katie of the autumn orange #5 Courics interviewed Carville and Begala (Democratic strategists for my non-American or non-political junkie or non-War Room viewing friends). A bitch was shocked when Miz Thang came out with the following statement regarding the Alito confirmation hearings…
“What purpose does this serve the American people except to take up their time?”
Katie was referring to the fact that Senators are asking lame assed questions and Alito isn’t answering them for shit. And this bitch was put in the uncomfortable position of agreeing with the rancid Miz Couric!
Let me clarify. This bitch feels that the confirmation process is vital. It should be public, aggressive, and full of depth. What my ass doesn’t give a shit about is if it is civil. If the shit gets nasty then it went there…take your fucking gloves off and get at it.
Anyhoo…CarvilleBegala (it was as if they had merged into one uber-being) were pimping their new book, which is basically a Democratic call to arms. Something they said hit this bitch…the need for courage at all levels. They have identified weakness as a failing within the party and the fact that many elected officials lack the courage of their convictions.
This bitch feels that the motherfuckers may be lacking convictions…period.
But it dawned on me that this is my problem with Alito. Well, on top of the fact that he is a pre- Roe throwback conservative who longs for an American monarchy and unlimited Executive power. And he's waxy...and he has that freaky soft and deliberate Satanic Cheney voice.
Sam Alito is on the record as a conservative. He is on the record as a conservative judge. Alito is on the record as stating that he feels Roe is not constitutional and he has spent the last two days dodging his own professed beliefs. Alito’s convictions are clear…he is personally anti-choice and anti-Roe in his professional life. The fact that he lacks the courage to profess that shit in front of Gawd, the Senate and everybody illuminates his lack of integrity and courage. Shit, maybe even the depth of his personal convictions and/or judicial philosophy.
This is a key issue for me.
If Alito is anti-choice because of his personal convictions but has this ability to set aside those personal convictions while serving on the court then a bitch needs some examples of that shit...which don't exist, because he's lying. If Alito is anti-choice and has every intention of overturning Roe if confirmed, but is lying to get confirmed then a bitch has serious issues with that. Basically, Alito is either a lying sack of shit or a lying sack of shit. He has either lied about his position on Roe, lied about his commitment to the anti-choice movement, lied about his ability to some how separate his personal convictions (which may or may not be a perceived sin in his eyes depending on how much he has lied about being an anti-choice religious zealot) or lied about having a principled legal conflict with Roe as decided by the court.
Jesus, this motherfucker would throw a seizure if someone came before him in his capacity as judge with this level of complete bullshit.
So here we are, watching day two of the 'don’t ask, don’t tell on choice' confirmation hearings and this bitch is disgusted. A lack of courage? Yeah…but not just on the Democratic side. Alito is a spineless little shit too. Stand up and proclaim, you sorry motherfucker! Let the people know what you believe and why. But that brings us the great murky untold angle that the conservative movement doesn’t want to shed light on…the fact that Alito’s position on choice is unpopular and not held by the majority of American people.
Let’s keep it real…if Alito’s anti-choice ass was in the majority he would have waltzed into the confirmation hearings with Life tattooed on his forehead. As it is, he's probably got Life tattooed to his left asscheek, which he has all but displyed to the judicial committee while dodging yes or no questions like he was born to evade and deceive.
Yep, that motherfucker just continues to side-step and twirl. And Senators continue to pontificate and enable.
Pro-choice on the ballot clearly doesn't equal pro-choice in the chamber. And a bitch shudders to consider the vote on this asshole...
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The Gumdrop Stage of Grief ...
So many of you have shared condolences and support after the death of my beloved brother Bill from COVID-19. I wish I could thank you indiv...

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So many of you have shared condolences and support after the death of my beloved brother Bill from COVID-19. I wish I could thank you indiv...
Okay, so most of you know that this bitch has some evil assed fibroids . Most of them were successfully murdered with full premeditation se...
Ahhh. So nice to have you back. You are so powerful, even at 85%, that it is positively refreshing.
And he is TOTALLY a lying sack of shit.
I'm shuddering right along with you, ABB.
First, I saw Carville in a restaurant last month. He is as ugly in person as he is on the tube. His two little girls, with whom I hung out in the ladies room, are adorable. Mary seems to be made of cardboard. Second, Alan Dershowitz made a great point last night...since we KNOW Alito's personal views, and he claims they will have no bearing on his decision making should he be confirmed, the panel should be asking very pointed questions about his PERSONAL views. He'd pretty much be forced to answer.
You say it so well, I can but wipe the drool from my chin and nod. Brava to a bitch.
It's too bad they aren't elected officials (the judiciary). And it's just plain wrong that they are lifetime appointments with no recourse.
Ummm...Elke...where to start?
First, this bitch does not buy into the 'good words' vs. 'bad words' interpretation of language.
Second, there is no connection between my ethnicity and my use of the English language...is there a connection between your ethnicity and your use of Dutch?
Hope that answers your question. Oh and thanks but a bitch is going to pass on the friendship thang.
Lawd give me strength...
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