A bitch would like to thank everyone who came out to AMP last night and joined in our vigil! Brother Rob Thurman should have pictures up soon.
Needless to say, this bitch is exhausted but encouraged!
2 cups java (with cinnamon), 2 Sudafed, 1 Claritin and 2 Excedrin…
The Today Show was boring beyond belief. My ass clicked over to CNN after Katie launched into a story about teens dying after playing some sort of choking game. A bitch knows that childhood is difficult, but my ass never considered choking a fun activity. Well, that’s not entirely true. A teen bitch did fantasize about choking several of my classmates, but my ass suspects that this game isn’t about revenge.
CNN was in their over the top Breaking News mode because of the Israeli withdrawal of settlers in Gaza. A bitch hopes that the withdrawal of the settlers and the Israeli troops that protect them will bring some peace to that region. Watching people being torn from their homes is heartbreaking and should be a motivator to both governments involved to not fuck this shit up!
It took my ass 15 minutes to decide that CNN was going to milk the footage of settlers being dragged out of their homes for hours. Sadistic fucks. While watching TiVoed episodes of The Daily Show my thoughts turned to politics and the challenges that face Americans in the next two years. As much as a bitch loves to blast the political right, we bitches on the left have some work to do. Since nothing pisses this bitch off more than a bunch of conservatives shouting about what liberals think, my ass would like to put my thoughts out into the atmosphere…
ABB's Liberaltudes...a work in progress
Stop being such complete shits…yeah, my ass means you! Fact – it costs more to treat catastrophic illnesses than to prevent them. Fact – mass illness is a huge threat to our country. Fact – we can afford it…let me repeat, WE CAN AFFORD IT! Everyone take a potty break and come back to the table and work it out. Lock the motherfucking doors and do not take any phone calls from the pharmaceutical industry or insurance. Create the plan that delivers healthcare to everyone and then make it happen. Set the goal and then achieve it. Fuckers.
Social Security
Accept the fact that Social Security was a brilliant idea. Catch your knee before it jerks and listen. When Social Security was created this nation was in a world of shit. Not to get into the particulars, but it was fucking brutal. Because the Great Depression was a national disaster and a threat to our democratic form of government the nation responded. Social Security is a good thing, but it is a wee bit ill. If Social Security were a horse it would have a strained knee. Scooter believes that we should put the horse down. This bitch believes that we spent some cash and energy on that fucking horse, that the horse is still a good horse and that we might want to treat the fucking sprain! To my fellow liberals…stop bitching about what Scooter has proposed, prepare a fucking proposal to fix the fucking sprain and take some motherfucking time to explain to people why the horse doesn’t need to die. Fucking do it!
The War
A bitch wishes my ass could just say end it, but we took a shit in the room and we need to either pick it up or make sure it gets picked up. First, we need to redefine our foreign policy. Be consistent, assholes! If we’re going to withdrawal aide to one country for its human rights abuses then we need to stop abusing human rights! And stop being friends with countries that openly do what you invaded Iraq for doing! It’s confusing and fucking hypocritical…and no one respects a fucking hypocrite! Next, we need to develop a uniform definition of success in Iraq and it cannot be the defeat of terrorism. What are we trying to achieve, how long will it take and why are we doing it…1, 2 and motherfucking 3! Then, follow through on 1, 2, and motherfucking 3. We have destabilized the region and we need to fucking resolve some shit, but the constant changing of our purpose reeks of Vietnam and we are about to hit the fucking draft wall fast and hard. Finally, learn from this fucking mistake…once more time with feeling, LEARN FROM THIS FUCKING MISTAKE!
Public education needs to be uniform and fucking financed in a uniform way. Just do it! Fucking do it! This is tied into Social Security, assholes. A bitch has met several generation Y motherfuckers and they are disturbingly stupid. How the fuck are these idiots going to pay for my retirement? Education is not rocket science, for the love of all that’s holy! Tell the religious right to get serious about private school and fucking take it back to basics. Instead of debating “intelligent design” lets have a debate on why children can’t fucking spell “intelligent”! Fix it, remove the religious shit and tell the fucking zealots to take care of that shit at home and start educating these chil’ren so my black ass can retire!
The Environment
Stop fucking with it! Stop making compromises on no compromise shit! Stop apologizing for science! And fucking cease debating fucking facts! Get firm, get decisive and get moving. This black bitch wants to have drinking water in 15 years! Assholes!
Fuck! A bitch isn’t standing around praying that women get abortions. This bitch is praying that they get access to sexual education and fucking birth control! Who the fuck do these conservatives think they are? We need to educate women on their rights and on their options. We need to work with young women to build up self-esteem and respect while working with young men on the exact same shit. And we need to study some fucking history and remember America without choice. Stop listening to chants and looking at vile pictures. Turn to those clinic protestors and tell them that there is a shelter for homeless moms just waiting for their ass to volunteer. Tell them that mentor programs have a motherfucking waiting list for volunteers. Tell them that there are homes to build at Habitat for Humanity. Pro-Life? Then show it. Nuff said.
Equal Rights
We are liberals! Take a motherfucking stand on some shit! Tell newcomers that if they do not support equality for all then they need to take a right at the motherfucking light! Stop pandering to the undecided. How the fuck are they so unsure anyway? Be something, believe something and have no fear. Equal pay for equal work, equal access and protection for marriage rights, equal protection for employment…these are basics, baby! Look those freaks in the eye and tell them “My ass does not fear gay marriage and you’re a fucking freak for fearing it your damned self”! Look them in the eye and tell them “My ass doesn’t fear an empowered woman and you’re a fucking freak for fearing one”!
Stand up motherfuckers, because the battle has already begun and there are hearts and minds to be won…
Thursday, August 18, 2005
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The Gumdrop Stage of Grief ...
So many of you have shared condolences and support after the death of my beloved brother Bill from COVID-19. I wish I could thank you indiv...

I was slightly illish this weekend and took to my bed Saturday, but I did rally for Brother Rob Thurman’s fantabulous cookie decorating part...
So many of you have shared condolences and support after the death of my beloved brother Bill from COVID-19. I wish I could thank you indiv...
Okay, so most of you know that this bitch has some evil assed fibroids . Most of them were successfully murdered with full premeditation se...
Lovely to see you as always. And thanks for the link. :)
The choking game is only one half of the fetish "auto-erotic asphyxiation. That's basically what some folks end up dying from.... they choke themselves to heighten their climax. Sick sick sick stuff what kids today consider a GAME. And wtf? One girl was found hanging from a bicycle chain?? Goodness! That could not have been pleasant!
take a stand was aptly titled, since too many lazy assholes have been sitting for far too long.
in regards to the comments section, again a huge WTfiggetyFUCK?
rainbow vacuum parts gives a brief history of blogs, abb-specific praise, advice for blogging topics, then self-promotes vacuum parts.
shameless. tacky. most of all, triflin'.
as a devoted abb reader, i don't find she's had much difficulty with topic selection(tackling numerous issues today in one sitting, thankyouverymuch).
Brilliant as always.
Let's hope people get up off their asses and start standing up. It's about friggin' time people started putting hteir money and time where their mouths are.
And a loud FUCK RAINBOW VACUUM PARTS. Self-promoting like that for commercial sites is just tacky.
I stood and applauded! I hope you heard me.
You're on a roll... and I love it! The thing is, you're right on all counts! I applaude you...
Oh how I [heart] ABB - I'd marry you if I could (you know, pesky laws against gay marriage & polygamy getting in my way)! Preach, sistah!
Isnt that the definition of a liberal? A bitch with some fucking good sense?
When did "liberal" become a bad word anyway? Fuck yeah, I'm a fucking liberal.
This is an excellent article on the real reason for the melodrama of the Gaza settlers.
Here's another articles taken from the Israeli english paper Haaretz. Our taxes will pay for this Perez comes to get the check next week. I have to learn this hussle.
In the beginning, the treasury allocated NIS 3.5 billion for the evacuees. But they brought lawyers and demands. In the end, their plots were valued like those in Kiryat Gat. Their houses were valued at $1,000 per square meter and they received compensation for every year of residence in Gaza, plus a six-month vacation from the state, plus a pension for anyone above 55, plus rent for two years.
On average, an evacuated family will receive $450,000. Those who lived there almost rent-free for two years will receive $150,000. Is there any better investment anywhere?
The idea was that they would take the money, build a future and not have complaints. But the settlers knew they could squeeze more out of Ariel Sharon, so they invented the idea of a community. They now want to move en bloc so that the state will build the community for them. That is, they will get compensation, get rent and also get the state to do everything for them.
Now the director general of the Prime Minister's Office, Ilan Cohen, is breaking new records. He is proposing to set up an exact copy of Neveh Dekalim with all its public institutions, so that all the functionaries will have jobs.
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