Friday, August 12, 2005

Just another day shoveling shit...

Whew! Shit and Gawd damn, a bitch is stressed! Even my nighttime correction of The Prince of Darkness didn’t calm my spirit.

Why, you ask? What could possibly be so stressing to a bitch that an evening of dream-based sadomasochistic correction can’t turn my frown into a smile?

Well, chil’ren, last night a bitch experienced the ultimate in ghettoized fuckeduptedness. Last night this bitch volunteered at a local St. Louis women’s shelter for homeless teenaged moms. Several volunteers showed up to help baby-sit all the chil’ren so that their moms could sit through class uninterrupted. One of the volunteers parked her car behind the building. You should know that this shelter is located in North City (da hood), but we have never had any problems before…a fact that went straight down the motherfucking toilet last night. The volunteer who parked her car behind the building had her car stolen. I said…SHE HAD HER FUCKING CAR STOLEN WHILE BABY-SITTING A HOMELESS INFANT! Fuck, shit, fuck, shit, fuck, shit and fucking shit! My assed is so pissed a bitch is about to break out in hives!

KKKKKKHHHAAAAANNNN! (blantant Trekesque breakdown scream)

I mean, shit. A bitch can’t catch a break. Uptight suburban financial advisors from Wildwood can’t even volunteer at a shelter servicing the community without being the victims of crime. Fuck it. Fuck it all the hell and heaven and back again!

Needless to say, a bitch woke up sour.

2 cups of java with 1% organic milk, 4 Excedrin (my ass hit the vodka cran hard as a motherfucker last night), 2 Claritin and cigs…lot of cigs…

A brief note on Cindy Sheehan…
A bitch appreciates the concern my readers have over this matter. All of the comments and e-mails are very helpful! My ass just wanted to make sure y’all understand a few simple things about this AngryBlackBitch’s perspective.

A bitch has a soft spot for the families of military servicemen and women. My ass comes from a military family (Grandfather, Father, uncles, cousins and so on). A bitch opposes the war and no comment or post is going to change that. But what little compassion my ass has left goes to those people whose lives have been forever altered by this combat. Cindy Sheehan’s son died in Iraq…don’t you ever forget that and don’t you ever presume to understand what that feels like. How she grieves, what she says, whom she confronts and why is her business. But her son died in Iraq. Let’s not lower ourselves by attacking her as the helpless pawn of masterful media men or some Hoosier with a liberal axe to grind. Honor and respect that she has made a sacrifice many of us have not. Disagree with her if you will, but you cheapen your arguement when you attack her on the basis of class or gender. And that’s all a bitch has to say on that topic…

On a much more fucked up note…
As most of you know a woman in Tennessee (damn, that state is a bitch to type) got her Bonnie and Clyde on and broke her huuuuuusband out of jail. In a hail of gunfire, Jennifer Hayette sprung her man George and they hit the road. Well…actually, they hailed a cab. Anyhoo, they were apprehended because they are dumbasses and are now cooling their passions in separate jail cells.

Jennifer is alleged to have killed an officer. George is alleged to have hypnotized Jennifer into breaking his ass out of jail.

Why this story pisses this bitch off…
Every once in a while, as story comes along that pissed this bitch off on multiple levels. The Hayette story is one of those rare occurrences…

As a feminist…
A bitch is disgusted with the way Jennifer Hayette is being portrayed in the media. She is a grown motherfucking woman with chil’ren. Stop acting like she was innocent to the ways of the world. This bitch saw her picture and that bitch had wisdom written in every groove on her face. Jennifer may be mental and she sure as fuck is stupid, but her ass was not the victim of a man’s magical mind control. For the record, women (and men) do dumb shit all the time and we do it of our own free will. Nothing pisses me off more than the “My huuuusband had me all spun around and I didn’t know right from wrong and I sure is sorry, officer” bullshit the media is assuming Jennifer is going to deliver in court. Shit, this bitch hopes she raises her head and claims this dumb shit because my ass can’t stand hearing a woman verbalize that some mystical man made her do anything.

As a woman of color…
My ass was fired up and screaming at the television this morning, because the Today Show had a black "journalist" delivering a story that reeked of the mandingo seduced me defense. What the fuck? Is NBC populated with sell out “Thank you, Massa” motherfuckers? Shame!

The Today Show delivered not one, not two, but three back to back interviews with Jennifer’s family and friends all expressing that George "made" her do it.

There was some new influence…

Some new dark force…

She never expressed this kind of violence until George.

George convinced her to sneak him food in his cell…it must be some sort of voodoo mind control.

What the fuck? So, George had a long…very long…long and extensive…long, extensive and violent criminal history. Jennifer still dug his ass, so what does that say about her? Shit, she met him in jail! It’s not like he hid his circumstance from her only to spring it on her at the last minute. My ass hates this shit. George had a criminal history…that’s a fact. Jennifer had a hidden criminal within…another fact.

A bitch believes in powers, but my ass also believes in self-determination. Jennifer Hayette chose her man, married him, apparently procured a gun and a get-away car, allegedly ambushed a prison transfer, allegedly shot and killed an officer, apparently hailed a fucking cab, booked a hotel room, purchased some beverages and flushed her life down the toilet.

A bitch acknowledges that this is an impressive resume of extreme stupidity, but the mystical lure of the black man’s sexual prowess ain’t to blame.

Some people are complete fucking idiots all on their own…


Maidy said...

On Cindy Sheehan - I feel for the woman. I truly do. She lost her child. She thinks the war is wrong (she's not alone). As for the media attention, she did want it, but now it's totally out of control. Her one woman campaign outgrew her and it has a life of its own now. Strip that away and what remains is this woman who wants a meeting with the President. Once that happens, it's done. The media can leave her alone and she can get on with her life campaigning , protesting, or whatever she wants to do.

And no, I do not support the war. I never did from jump street.

As for dipsy doodle in Tenn., what a plain out and out idiot. Mandingo indeed. She's a grown-up who fucked up and now she knows her life is screwed up and she is pleading she was all messed up. I'd put her dumbass in jail just for being a moron. Hello? Dipshit hailed a taxi! Right there proves she's as bright as a small appliance lightbulb.

Maven said...

Re: Mandingo Defense. "The mandingo ate me, baby." Hey, never underestimate the power of dick--especially big ones. They can make a person with a loose grip on reality loose what little sense they've got.

Which brings my comment to, what is it about jailhouse romances? I mean, she easily had access to his records to see how long of a rap sheet he had. He's a violent MoFo, and his rap sheet would prove that is something hardwired into him.

Much like the Natalee Holloways of the world, dumb blondes doing stupid things and ending up in the press... now enter this Tennesee twat.

Isn't there anything truly newsworthy to be reported upon, or have the media hacks truly hit rock bottom?

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