Nothing screams “liberty” like a law taking health care
decisions from the individual and giving them to that individual’s employer!
Yeah, that shit doesn’t sound right to me either.
The problem is that the majority in the Missouri Assembly
thought voted to pass that bullshit off as protecting liberty when they voted
to pass SB 749 this session.
You may not have heard of SB 749…but you need to take a
moment and explore the texture and density so you know it for the stank pile of
panderific bullshit that it is.
SB 749 assumes that government needs to protect employers
from workers. SB 749 goes about
that by granting employers the right to deny healthcare coverage for birth
control and sterilization based on that employer’s personal moral objection.
Pause…allow the bizarreness of that shit to
It didn’t matter to legislators that birth control is healthcare and has been
legal for decades.
It didn’t matter to them that workers have some liberty of
their own to protect.
And they sure as shit didn’t factor in the fact that even
insurance companies opposed this wretched shit.
Nothing mattered as much as pandering to the Bishops and
those who want to thumb their nose at the Obama Administration.
So, now we’ve got a stinking piece of legislation gathering
flies on the Governor’s desk…and a demand from we the people that he dust off his pen and give us the veto we deserve.
No word yet from Governor Nixon on what he plans to do…and
I’m more than a wee bit disturbed that he didn’t announce a veto right off the
But here we are and there it is.
SB 749 is another steaming example that state government
isn’t always working on behalf of the people and that elections matter.
If you are a Missourian you can take action and send a letter to Governor Nixon demanding a veto.

And if you have any doubt of the power of the conservative religious lobby to
craft policy and regulate your life regardless of your values…
…follow the flies then breathe in and get a good sniff of what their new legislative product.
Makes your eyes water, don’t it?
Sounds like y'all are heading back into a plantation culture.
Don't despair - the bastards can't win, because the arc is bending toward justice.
I would like to believe this won't be signed into reality.
But, I am a realist, and know what my fellow-Missourians will vote for and know that the Gov will do what his people want him to do.
Hopefully, he thinks with his mind rather than with his party.
"the stank of panderific bullshit..." made me snort coffee out my nose...
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