And the market is taking a dive, y’all!

Happy fucking Monday.
So, now what?
Oh, that’s right…the blame game!
Lawd, have mercy.
Bail-out agreements have tons of parents…
…but Absolute Fubar is an orphan.
So many of you have shared condolences and support after the death of my beloved brother Bill from COVID-19. I wish I could thank you indiv...
There will be more where that came from.
Hey ABB! I think congress acted with what the people wanted! I'm very happy about that. I'm worried that the stock market fell, but see it as a correction for the over-stimulation created by Greenspan after 9/11... but, that's history.
What I'd like to say here is that I'm most concerned about what I'm hearing on CNBC...things like "WHEN THE STOCK MARKET FALLS ANOTHER 2000 points, then WE'LL GET THE BAILOUT"...
Uh, doesn't that mean that traders control legislation? That would be scary...
To, our congress made a statement- they put PEOPLE first...PEOPLE before Profit! Holy shit! It must be election time.
Congratulate your congressperson.. for having some balls and doing what is right...let those Free Market capitalists suffer with the down side the way WE HAVE BEEN sine January!
By the way- just did the math (maybe I'm late on this)...700Billion divided by 300Million Americans= 2.3 million dollars a PERSON (in the US)...Now, that's something i'd be willing to fund...
Okay, I'm tired and my math centers have been affected...that number is 2500$
This is why I stick to molecular biology!
Sigh....what a great time to graduate college and look for a job.
My head hurts just thinking about this "bailout" yadda yadda. I feel like they are trying to figure out how bad they can fuck the country up before handing it over to a new administration
Way off topic.. I am super sure I saw your afro in all it's glory at the Pro Vote dinner..
To be sure, Barney Frank didn't give me "official" wood but, I've got to admit, I felt a little... well... fuller 'down there' after listening to the man shame those weak bastards. What can I say? I've always had a thing for forward snarky men. :)
And in the immediate aftermath of the botched bailout vote, instead of hearing from principled determined men who were willing to admit that they backed off the bailout because it was a travesty [which it is], we got simpering sniveling childish excuses. "If only they had been nice to us"... [ugh]
God Bless You, Barney Frank, for saying precisely what needed to be said. Am I the only one that feels like high-fiving the man?
Am I the only one sorta glad that bailout failed out? [shrug]. 'sho hope not.
'twas a bitch at the pro-vote dinner!
And why didn't you come over and say hello?
Tisk followed by task...
Well, after we spent the entire cocktail hour searching for parking, an atm, and water for the Senator and I spent the dinner entertaining an off the chain soon to be State Rep...I looked up and you had made a swift exit.
But you might have seen me lurking in my brown suit with the plaid jacket. lol
Next time ( and their will be one) I will make sure I break free to come say "Hey"
All I can do is repeat my mantra: "Shark-Fu, I love you."
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