I’m hungry but I don’t know what the hell to eat in this heat!

I guess that’s not such a bad thing, but a bitch adores food and I miss lusting for specific food-based things.
On the upside, the one thing this bitch sure as shit won’t be craving in this heat are jalapeno peppers...so the latest salmonella bacteria allegation can go fuck itself.
For me, nothing makes for a good hot-weather meal like sliced local tomatoes with salt, maybe with olive oil and basil, maybe with some mozzarella or feta, or maybe with just a dollop of good mayo. Quite heavenly, and no need to heat up the kitchen, either.
Give this one a try from the Bistro Latino Cookbook (p.100)--
Fruit gazpacho
4c. pineapple juice
2c. tomato juice
3tb finely chopped cilantro
1 small red onion, minced
1c. fresh blackberries
1c. fresh strawberries, hulled/halved
1 large ripe peach, peeled, pitted, diced
tabasco sauce (I use a combo of cholula sauce and a habanero sauce instead)
salt and pepper
combine it all with some of the hotsauce, chill in the fridge for hours. Add more hotsauce to taste if needed.
The combination of spicy, cold, sweet, fruit, etc. is so unbelievably good on a hot and humid afternoon. Even better- serve in a soup bowl that is sitting in another bowl of chipped ice to keep it cold, cold, cold.
Ice cream! Popsicles! Ted Drews!
Oh, and if you want something a wee bit more nutritionally substantive, try couscous as your base carb (nuke water, throw in couscous and cover, let sit for five minutes, and it's done).
Things that go well with couscous: tomato, cucumber, and dill salad; grilled fish; nuts and dried fruit (a pilaf sort of thing). Pretty much anything, really, but those don't take much, if any, actual cooking.
Glad you're back from BlogHer!
When it gets hot like this, I tend to crave curry... it may seem counter-intuitive, but a really fiery curry really does help me tolerate the heat and humidity. (Then again, the beer I usually drink with the curry often helps.)
I seem to have gone to a seafood and fruit kind of summer diet. I am digging the Panera Strawberry Poppyseed salad with Chicken. Lots of fruit. Fish also seems lighter for the hot days. Of course, if it were not for the air conditioning, I might not eat at all. I mean, damn. This heat is oppressive.
Smoothies. Smoothies are what you seek.
For serious, they're nutritious and cool 'n stuff. Plus filling but not over-filling plus if one has pineapple you can pretend it's some-sort-of-colada maybe.
Anyway, smoothies! It's what's for dinner.
Food suitable for the July heat in St. Louis? I've got two words for you, Shark-fu:
Ted Drewes.
Bush's devastation of the Food and Drug Administration is as annoying as it is scary.
Shark Fu, my goddess! I am one of your humble gay following all the way from Boston. I am sure this will cross your prodigious radar, but I wanted to let you know about Micheal Savages decidedly ignorant comments about autistic children, claiming autism is a "racket" used by minorities to get bigger welfare checks and is not a "real biomedical disease". As the child of a special needs mother, I was mortified to see him on Larry King trying to defend his position. I can't wait to hear your thoughts.
p.s Your blog is my life, and as a young gay activist, you are really an inspiration. Keep it up!
you glorious bitch,
i recently found your blog and it's quickly become a favorite.. i like to read intelligent writing that isn't so far up it's own ass that it can't be real life about some shit..
i usually never comment anywhere because i rarely feel moved to and/or i don't really feel informed enough to defend a position..
but this post? this post i've got something to say... see, i am an acupuncturist and herbalist.. and there are a variety of foods that will cool you off.. number one - celery juice! might not sound awesome but it will bring your temperature down.. chewing it is fine too but not as fast acting.. then, personally, nothing beats frozen grapes, watermelon, or cucumber.. try 'em..
just tryin' to help a bitch out :)
Be afraid of those little green weenies pouring across the border! It's obvious that they carry death and destruction!!!!
Now, how many deaths have been reported from salmonella? West Nile Virus? Bird flu? Tomatos from Florida?!?!
Be afraid!
So with you in the heat induced no food looks good rut.
Even my secret weapon, avocados, has been failing me lately.
I'm just glad that I came back from BlogHer to a bush full of just-now-ripe banana peppers in my back yard.
Suck it, conventional ag.
i usually stick to fruits and veggies cuz i cant bear to cook when my kitchen feels like a steam room. and i'm a cereal junkie, so in this oppressive heat, my meals often end up being a huge bowl of cereal.
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