Bill Clinton has raised the race card as a defense and this bitch has had enough!
I'm not a member of Obama's campaign or even a volunteer.
I do not have a race card.

I was not issued one at birth with instructions on how and when to play it.
When I call a person out for an ig’nant race-baiting comment that action is not 'playing the race card'…it’s calling a person out for an ig’nant race-baiting comment.
If that person is uncomfortable with that shit a bitch suggests that they get in touch with their inner asshole, because this bitch has had enough of motherfuckers whining and keening about that mythical race card every time they get corrected for deliberate verbal malfunctions designed to rouse prejudices they themselves have spent a lifetime concealing behind a mask of tolerance.
My race is not a card to be played anymore than claiming someone played the race card on you is a defense for dismissing a candidate’s political success as a product of their race.
I am not a player of the race card.
I am the wage that should be equal…the privacy that ought to be honored…the violence that will not be tolerated…the hair you’d better not touch…the reality that debunks the stereotype…the fierceness that keeps ig’nant motherfuckers awake at night…the anger that will not be ignored and the worthiness that will not be denied.
And until you do right by me...
...everything you think about gonna fail.
Tell it!
Fist In The Air!
"I am the wage that should be equal…the privacy that ought to be honored…the violence that will not be tolerated…the hair you’d better not touch…the reality that debunks the stereotype…the fierceness that keeps ig’nant motherfuckers awake at night…the anger that will not be ignored and the worthiness that will not be denied."
Enough said. Great, great, great line.
Don't know why that hasn't occured to anyone prior to this (including me). Maybe that's why it needs sayin'!
Tell The Mister how it is!!!!
The ones that feverently yap about what they are not..sure seem to show at some point in time what they really are.
Another ABB Smack Down!!!
It sickens me to see the Clintons and Hillary Clinton's campaign doing this kind of shit over and over. I wasn't planning to vote for Hillary Clinton anyway, but if I had been, this would surely have changed my mind.
Damn! I'm so mad that I'm just now finding your blog. But glad Shakespeare's Sister sent me.
I, too, am an Angry Black Bitch. Preach!!
Well said Shark Fu!
This race card must be a new addition to the deck. Don't you think that if it had always been there, someone might have thought to use it to trump lynching,Jim Crow,segregation or discrimination?
This joins "politically correct" as one of our generation's code words giving cover to those with nefarious intentions.
Racists mention the " Race Card". Fascists mention "politically correct".
Bill&Hill's Arkansas is showing again -- and it isn't pretty.
I shall endeavor to be an Angry White Bitch. Stop embarrassing yourself, your wife, your party, and whites in general, Bill - just sit there and look decorative and don't open your mouth.
I will be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad when this annoying primary season is over. I'd rather be kicking Republican ass than fighting down the urge to smack Democratic ass with a hairbrush, fly swatter (clean), or gloved hand. And I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO annoyed to hear Democratic whine.
Another fist in the air here!
Well & bloody well said AAB. That's going up on the board tomorrow morning first thing. Some young'uns are going to get their attitude straightened out. 'bout time someome called a spade a fucking shovel, I am so pissed off at those two Clintons I'm crossed eyed. Race card indeed.
I'll go simmer down now, thank you very much, gawwwd how I wish I could turn out a phrase the way you do. Keep on keeping on ABB, we love you.
In awe
Kirin & the young ladies of Creative Writing 101
well, in all fairness they also play the misogyny card to the hilt too. apparently, there isn't much there to offer based soley on merit- so they have to slander and dig and blame and claw their way to the nomination. it would be sad i suppose. but it's not.
Stoneypillow: What the Fuck???
ABB: Right again.
and 13% at exit poll actually acknowledged/owned up that race was an issue! How many didn't?
Then on TV tonight they said it was because PA was of 'old school', thought that O was 'to new, ie, wet behind ears'.
About the hair that you'd better not touch...what is that about? Is it that you don't like people touching your 'fro? Just curious. I reach out an touch people's hair if I think it is beautiful or interesting. If I ever meet you, I'll have to remind myself to keep my hands to myself. When people compliment me on my hair and reach out to touch it, I just feel flattered. Everyone has their own reaction, I guess. That's what makes us human.
The hair thing for this bitch has to do with the insult of black hair being treated as a curiosity and black people like exotic animals on display.
There is a history of this in America and mayhap a bitch will post on that some time.
But it also has to do with my personal space...and that fact that a bitch spends too much time on my Afro to have people fuck it up (wink).
Omg Shark-fu, never thought of hair being like exotic animals...but u are right..ppl reach out to rub a horse, cow, sheep, etc. just to feel the texture. Yep, big time blog happening here by u as there is education needed!
Not just black hair, little sister.... the thick Irish hair on my thick Irish head has been "petted" more times than I recall. As girls we were all fascinated by each others' hair - the tiny braids with those plastic clips the black girls had, the straight harsh cuts of the asian girls, and my own short wavy bedhead. Plus one little Italian girl had unfortunately long black braids that were almost impossible not to tug on!
My hair hangs below my waist, and people think it's okay to pet it, brush it, play with it, braid it, whatever...and I HATE that! Hands off my hair and out of my personal space!
I used to have a huge amount of respect for Bill Clinton and he's losing it fast.
That was awesome. Thank you, SF.
This Honkey says GO GIRL!
I had a similar reaction to his mess, though you managed to be much more detailed. All I could do was say fuck you because for the first time in my life I was too angry to say anything else.
"I am the wage that should be equal…the privacy that ought to be honored…the violence that will not be tolerated…the hair you’d better not touch…the reality that debunks the stereotype…the fierceness that keeps ig’nant motherfuckers awake at night…the anger that will not be ignored and the worthiness that will not be denied."
I'm happy for you that you think its wonderful for people to fondle you but I've been pawed at for decades by non-Black people who are full of ownership fascination for my hair and the thrill wore thin sometime about first grade. (Yes, I'm making a specific point here about how I do not have this problem with other Black folks). I think this tshirt by Damali Ayo sums it up:
Amen Sista Shark-Fu!
I am tired as hell that the press is part of this ploy..they keep fanning the flames of racism and I am sick to death of it. They try to spin it as 'reporting' but that is total and complete bullshittery.
"And until you do right by me..."
*shivers and goosebumps from gettin' the Holy Ghost-type affirmation*
Amen and so say we all!
And I used to think that Bill C. was family...
It is possible that you are my new hero.
Tell me that someone out there is making Shark-Fu action figures.
This joins "politically correct" as one of our generation's code words giving cover to those with nefarious intentions.
Racists mention the " Race Card". Fascists mention "politically correct"
I once read an explanation of the difference between "Political Correct Language," and "Diversity," that basically went like this,
"PC Language teaches us how to Identify difference but it does not teach us how to conduct ourselves in the face of differenc, how to behave in the face of difference. It's focus is the appearence of change, without the actual change in conduct and behavior necessary to create actual structural and systemic change. Diversity is a Process that is never ending where we learn to see and value difference as strengthening our work/community/world vs as a threat, where we learn ways to deal with the anxiety, the conflict that is a natural aspect of diversity, instead of denying it or hiding against it."
Personally, I'm quite sick of people saying that 'I don't hire People with disabilities," is somehow better then "I don't hire cripples.' The point don't HIRE folks due to their disabilities, or skin color, or whatever the difference may be.
I'm for Diversity Respectful language, but PC language? Well...
I live in Canada, a country that literally has almost been torn apart more then once, due to "Language Wars." There is a long history of the British using "correct language," as a tool oppression against poor whites in their country, just look at the movie My FAir Lady or read the play Pygmilion that it's based on.
In Canada, the English have historically used language and "proper english," as an excuse to comit all sorts of conducts of oppression against french canadians, as well as newfoundlanders, acadians, immigrants, people of color and of course, people with language and communication disabilities.
So with all due respect, I suggest you read up on how language has been used as a weapon of oppression against a variety of people, including people of color, as a tool of racism, but also as a tool of classism, ablism, and so forth, BEFORE calling all of us who are Anti PC Language "Fascists."
Re: ABB post:
I am the wage that should be equal…the privacy that ought to be honored…the violence that will not be tolerated…the hair you’d better not touch…the reality that debunks the stereotype…the fierceness that keeps ig’nant motherfuckers awake at night…the anger that will not be ignored and the worthiness that will not be denied.
I find this very inspiring, and feel that it speaks to the realities of poor women and women with disabilities and other women of the margins as well. Do you mind if I quote you?
Uh, Clinton? Your ALWAYS "playing the race card," it's called "the white race," card. Hello?
Ms. Pat...
Quote away!
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