In response to your e-mail claiming that I should "acknowledge the truth" of BET founder Bob Johnson’s comments defending Gerry Ferrarro’s comments that Senator Obama’s political success is a result of his blackness, this bitch has a question…have you lost your motherfucking mind?
Seriously, if a bitch didn’t fear for your sanity my ass would publish your fucking e-mail with your e-mail address (c’mon dude, who the hell e-mails an AngryBlackBitch from their work e-mail address…really?) and bring the flock of bitchitude down upon you!
Lawd, give me strength.
For the record, Robert Johnson has been wrong for so long that the dictionary ought to define right as the opposite of whatever comes out of his mouth.
And I’m not some cult member who needs a black prophet to tell my ass what’s what, motherfucker.
This luck of blackness shit has been spun dry, son.
Robert Johnson isn’t pissed off because Senator Obama is being handed a large percent of the black vote based on being black…he’s pissed off because he lacks the credibility to draw black votes and he’s doubly pissed because the race-baiting bullshit from Clinton campaign supporters opened the door to the loss of a lot of the black support Senator Clinton started out with.
I’m sure that stings but I don’t really give a fuck. Voters don’t reward insults with support, so if Mr. Johnson or other knavish fools are frustrated they need to look at the campaigner in the mirror.
And you, oh knavish foolish one, need to think and I mean think hard before you try to school a bitch...
I needed some truth-telling today, so thanks for providing the much-needed smackdown of fools.
Why do people offer up the nonsense of one black person to justify racist ignorance? I'm super tired of hearing people say, "Well, my black friend said..." and then saying something wasn't offensive or downright false.
You are a better bitch than me. I'da put his ass on blast!
Ferraro's statement that O had an advantage by being Black is the KuKluxKlan's line, i.e. that today Black people are advantaged and white people are disadvanged in the US.
And she must have forgotten that in 1984, when she was on the ticket with Mondale against Reagan and Bush, Black people voted for her 90+ %. Black _men_ voted for her and Mondale 90% percent. If just white women had voted for Ferraro and Mondale 90% , they would have won over Reagan and Bush! So, her statement in today is treacherous.
Wait, wait, let me make some popcorn first!
I ALWAYS love a complete, utter, magnificent, unadulterated slap down . . . .
Johnson is an out of step fool.
LOL Delux -
Oh publish that email address. Pretty pretty please! I want him on blast. You know when you posted 'women' my first thoughts were "oh she means white women" and then "why would ABB not specify that". Then I thought "are Black women making 77 cents now" oh well....
There's a new ABC/WSJ poll that showed Clinton's approval rating in the tank and people don't view her as trustworthy! Hahaha.
The very idea that anyone could use a statement from Bob Johnson as a means of validating their point is indeed laughable.
That man has done more to set back black people (and destroy hip hop) than five Pat Robertsons combined.
The fact that any Hillary supporter could honestly read those statements and see them as anything other than lightly disguised, race-baiting, anti-affirmative action rhetoric says more about them and the supposed "enlightenment" of many members of our liberal community than anything.
And another thing...
These mutha fucka's need to make up their rabbit-ass minds..first he wasnt' black enough..and now..he is so black he was handed this candidacy on a silver platter or some shit?
Lawd give me strength is right Shark Fu!
Well, this white woman is voting for Obama, because I think we NEED him.
That's why I'm always nice to the Black Bi. . . Lady.
She'll blast your ass if you deserve it!
Oh my god. Your post title has my eyes streaming. If I thought I could ever deliver that line right I would totally steal it.
A bitch can't take credit for the title line - it was lifted from Muhammad Ali.
Ah, this is why a guy crafted a Rod of Correction for a Bitch. (Clutches pearls, dabs eyes) It touches me to see it used so well, it really does.
Cartoonist Aaron McGruder who created Boondocks got it right too about BET. This recent hilarious episode on BET episode was banned by the Turner Network from airing it in the US, but it aired in Canada. Shark-Fu, I guarantee your sides will split with laughter when you see it!
Roland Martin found this Bob Johnson Cartoon - HIlarious
I love you. Seriously. And you are way better than I. There is no way I could have resisted outing that idiot.
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