Sunday, March 09, 2008

Power blogging?

Lawd, have mercy.

A bitch just checked my site meter and noticed a lot of traffic from A quick click revealed that my ass has been listed as one the the world's 50 most powerful blogs.


Oooh, this bitch can feel the power even as I type!

A wee correction, though - a bitch has posted my picture once or twice in response to those who claim I'm not an AngryBlackBitch. Trifling ass bullshit, left un-addressed, too often becomes accepted as fact.

But oh my, a bitch's blog is powerful...who the fuck knew?

***fluffs afro***

Well, welcome the the land of bitchitude readers!


Anonymous said...

Congratualations. I think your blog is great. Not only that, I admire what you do as a civic activist and all around great person.
You've earned some kudos!

SagaciousHillbilly said...

They only posted you there because there isn't a site called "World's 5 most powerful blogs."

I love it when you fluff your afro like that. Do it agin pleeeeease.

Fashion Critic said...

LOL congratulations.

If I knew just being angry would make you this powerful I would have blogged about this and not fashion.

KBO said...

Dang, Bitch, you're a big-timer in our midst. Baller status. Congrats. Now use your power for some good. Like "Post-ig'nant" t-shirts.

Anonymous said...

congrats shark fu, your blog was great before the adulations and will remain so.

more cowbell said...

That's fantastic! What an honor. And a way for more folks to hear an important voice on the issues that the media either doesn't cover, or covers with a skewed take.

I drink to that! (coffee - it's not even noon yet.)

PortlyDyke said...

It couldn't happen to a better bitch.

I always knew you were a power-blogger.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Bitch!

Rebel Yankee said...

Congrats! Couldn't happen to a better person!

ChristopherM said...

Power to the people, and power to the ABB! Hell yes!

Anonymous said...

Congrats woman.The adulation is totally deserved. Hope you had a vodka cran to celebrate. If not, do so.

Undercover Black Man said...

Cheers, Bitch! You are my hero. (Even though I once accused you of being Rob Thurman in disguise.)

May your Rod of Correction always swing high.

Hrag said...

Guess you're mainstream now.

Anonymous said...

Excellent. The world is your oyster.

Mac Daddy Tribute Blog said...


Love your blog. You always seem to say provocative and amazing things in an earthy manner. Blessings.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. It's about time the Brits got hep to what I knew all along.

Anonymous said...

That's great! Well Done!

Anonymous said...

Hah, thanks, never knew of ya till I went down that list.

Angry Black Bitch? I read... Damn, sounds like powerful stuff for a skinny white geek living in Oregon.

Maybe I oughtta sit down and listen some ;) But it's too damn much hassle to register!

Mike S said...

Just imagine all the wire-tap monitor types who're fans too! Loved this site a long time:)

Anonymous said...

Nicely done, Little Sister. I'd add to the SuperHero costume if I were you. Let's see - already have the boots and cape (and those feathered pink handcuffs.) The kicky little Catwoman mask is firmly in place. How about adding a Golden Lasso to that Rod of Correction?

Jeffrey Ricker said...

Don't let it go to your head. (Wink.)

Congratulations, hon. Remember to use your power for good, not for evil.

Midgetqueen said...

Fabulous! Congrats on Guardian realizin' what we already knew.

You're awesome, and you know you're awesome. It ain't bigheadedness if it's the truth!

coma boy said...

Go Bitch Go!

The British press has exquisite taste.

Congrats Bitch x

Anonymous said...

I have no idea what kind of impact you have on others' lives but I know the impact you have on mine. Thank you thank you thank you.

DAVE BONES said...

Congratulations! I always knew you were the top blogger! If you've finished your tea lets start the revolution!

Anonymous said...

"Trifling ass bullshit, left un-addressed, too often becomes accepted as fact."

Ahh... truth. Smell the truth? My fave quote o' the day.

Congrats on your recognition (long past due).

~Doc Johnson

cowboyangel said...

Congratulations. What a hoot! the Guardian, nonetheless.

Have really enjoyed your blog. And will continue to do so even now that it's more P-O-W-E-R-ful.


Anonymous said...

Thank the Lord for the Guardian newspaper, otherwise I wouldn't have found your brilliant blog.

The Guardian is the best newspaper in the UK and they have proved they are in the know with your inclusion in the top 50 most powerful blogs.

Your power is badass!!!!

Anonymous said...

Waaaait a minute, does this mean you perfected your world-dominating mind control device? Whew. Finally!!!

Eb the Celeb said...

Congrats on making the list!

Kate Harding said...

Belated congrats, woman! I missed this here but just stumbled on the Guardian list and was so psyched to see you there!

JD said...

Know what? It wasn't just on the, but in the printed magazine of (Guardian's sister Sunday rag)The Observer. Which is how come I'm readin' it. And glad of it.


Anonymous said...

OMG! That is awesome. And true :)

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