Last night this bitch caught the news that the Florida Democratic Party has decided that they will not hold a revote re-do primary. State party chairwoman Karen Thurman sent word out via e-mail that all options had been explored and rejected so the what-to-do of it all is now in the hands of the DNC Rules & Bylaws committee.
The sad thing is that millions of Floridians turned out to vote and their votes are now held captive to the system and many Florida democrats stayed home and will not have the opportunity to vote for the democratic nominee.
This voter education teacher is troubled by this. I can’t help but wonder how many voters were hoping there would be a re-vote and how many others are now turned off by political bullshit rearing its ugly head to the detriment of the democratic process.
Most of all, this bitch can’t help but wonder how I would feel had this shit gone down in Missouri. I can imagine facing my students who were so thrilled to be voting for the first time and rewarding that passion with a discussion of process and rules and blah followed by blah.
As it is, a bitch has to face them and explain how some other person’s state is handling some other person’s vote and why it all matters in the end. Well, this is nothing if not a teachable moment.
So the DNC, Clinton and Obama campaigns will continue to meet and eventually they’ll iron out an agreement that will sorta-satisfy their respective camps.
And that sounds more like how you would negotiate a peace treaty than how you would empower the will of the masses.
Fubardemocratus continueth…
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I agree with you Babygurl ;-)
Shark Fu..I have to say..unless and until FL learns to play by the rules they have to deal with the consequences. The state Dem leaders were warned..its not like it was a friggin surprise.
But is the voters that get hosed in all this and that pisses me the hell off beyond words.
I agree---anytime the process is thwarted
we all lose somehow. And on and on it goes. Sadly, a family member of mine living in Florida has spoken of her fear that their electorate might be vilified---again--- because of political bullshit and hiccups.
Who'd have thunk it?
People just wanting to cast a vote . . .
I agree that this is bad for democracy and Democracy. I don't know if this is true, but I saw former President Clinton blame this whole problem on Florida Republicans who moved the date against vehement protest by Florida Democrats. If that's true, I think the Florida votes should be allowed.
You know, I honestly don't know what my opinion is on the right thing to do with the MI and FL delegates now. I have so much sympathy for the state parties that are fed up and frustrated that a tiny number of rural white men get to set the tone for the race and have a far bigger amount of sway than their numbers would be worth. However, they had to have known that something like this would happen. The party (and by the party I mean the group of rich white elites making the rules) can't afford not to call their bluff, because that would mean giving up their privilege.
And now that the decision not to have a re-vote has been made, I can't see anything that I would consider a correct solution. Regardless of whether the MI and FL delegates are seated, at least some, probably many, people are going to go away feeling like the whole thing was a farce.
To me the teachable moment, which is seldom provided so succinctly, is the exposure of the true limitations of a two party system. one's vote is not under the ownership or control of the voter but of one or the other party. but i imagine you have already thought of this. enjoy your next class.
I think it's important to keep in mind that the voters in FL and MI knew in advance that their primary votes didn't count. The lesson to take from this is that even if the rules are stupid, follow the rules or deal with the consequences. Also, keep in mind that, at least in Florida, there was a tax issue sharing the primary ballot, which probably had something to do with the turnout of those who knew their primary votes were futile.
I don't know that it was right for the Dems to strip the delegates in the first place, but they did, and they were upfront that moving the primary forward was going to come with consequences. Nobody was blindsided by any of this. I would have been angrier if they let the results stand and changed the rules in the middle of the game (echoes of 2000?) The powers that be in the states who went against the DNC are the ones who deserve blame, if any is to be doled out.
I'm in Oregon, a closed primary state that votes in May. I'm an independent. I don't get to vote in either primary, Democrat or Republican. I'm not crying foul, I'm just stating a fact. So I'll vote on the ballot issues, but won't have a say in the Presidential contest until November. People may say I should switch party affiliation so I can vote in the primary. I don't self-identify as Democrat or Republican, but I do self-identify as a person of integrity (and the "two party" system honestly leaves a bad taste in my mouth). Granted, I've heard the rumors of Republicans in OH and TX crossing over to vote for Clinton in the primary so they can vote against her in the general election. I'm not sure of the voracity of the rumors, but I will not stoop to those levels--I won't fight bullshit with bullshit.
Anyway, several cents of my POV. Keep teachin' and keep preachin'. Peace.
Both the DNC and Senator Clinton have just signed agreements for revote in MI and FL. In Fact, The money has been raised by friends of Senator Clinton to pay for it. Obama will NOT sign it even though all three parties are needed to agree to redo the vote. What's he afraid of?
Because of his refusal to sign, there will not be any revotes or seating of the delegates. I thought he said he is a uniter? Confusing. Fl voters are already pained by the last 2 elections. They will not be voting in November now. Way to go Obama. Count voters out huh?
Good questions! I'm no expert on Florida but my understanding is that the revote was killed there for reasons other than candidate drama.
As for Michigan, the proposal Obama balked at would have excluded Independents from the revote and, given how many voters no longer claim affinity with the Democratic Party, I'm inclined to agree that any proposal excluding Independents from a revote when they would not have been excluded from the original vote is flawed.
having said that, I recommend that you seek out the Obama camapign and ask them what's what.
Shark Fu speaks the in Cali, the number of voters registered as "Decline to State" has skyrocketed. I am one of those voters..and have been for over a decade now.
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