C-Money and this bitch have been
watching John Adams on HBO. So far so good, but a bitch is a fan of revolution (wink) and my ass has been known to watch the same episode of
The Revolution on The History Channel multiple times without getting bored.
Some people watch American Idol…a bitch watches reenactments of the American Revolution.
This bitch has been known to go off on a rant over patriotism in a heartbeat. Nothing gets me more fired up than ig’nant as hell accusations that questioning our government and speaking out about governmental bullshit is unpatriotic. Well, that shit has reared up again and I am beyond tired of hearing it!
Pause…crack knuckles…continue.
This government is
still of a bitch, by a bitch and for a bitch...so
this bitch has revised my
Patriot Rant a wee bit…
ABB’s Patriot Rant (revised a wee bit)…
Most Americans study the Revolutionary War at some point in our lives. Along with the details of specific battles and historic moments, that history provides a very clear understanding of what an American patriot was and is.
This nation was founded by radicals. The rest of the folks were loyal to the monarchy. Speaking out against the monarchy was illegal…they called it
sedition and it was punishable under law. Every single published quote…every single speech…every public gathering or meeting…every act of melting household items to make bullets or hoarding food to feed soldiers…all of that shit was radical as a motherfucker.
So, when my fellow citizens verbalize a blind and unquestioning respect of an elected office rather than question flawed policy those people are speaking the language of the loyalist not the patriot. And when citizens chastise fellow citizens for criticizing our government they are speaking the language of the loyalist and not the patriot.
A bitch is concerned that some of us who have been born Americans really don’t understand the responsibility of citizenship. It is important to remember that the final check in the check & balance plan is the power invested in each of us to check our government on bullshit.

We tarnish our legacy and insult our history when we embrace the ideology of non-involvement, blind trust and apathy rather than live up to our responsibility to question elected officials over the shit they do in our name.
We have a role to play and that role is to be
active citizens...to vote, challenge and critique our government so that is shall be a government of the people, by the will of the people and answerable in all ways to the people.
Thomas Paine and you will read the language of the questioner…the challenger…the patriot.
Alexander Hamilton and you will feel the passion and careful consideration of the role of political power literally vibrate off the page.
John Adams and you will be reading the words of a man who left family and home when his nation called upon him to serve and who railed at Congress so that they would stand up against tyranny and oppression.
People, we have a role to play…and those who tell us not to play it are
anything but patriots.
And forget not that it was the
patriotic spirit that fueled the masses through the Civil War, the Suffrage Movement, the Labor Movement, the Civil Rights Movement, the many Anti-War movements and the Feminist Movement.
Those movements, which shaped our nation, where populated by people whose actions where

those of responsible citizens and who were being radical within the framework of a nation that infuses radical responsibility into the citizen contract.
What has been established in our name…by the blood, sweat and tears of citizen patriots…is
ours to uphold.
This bitch is prepared to go to the wall in defense of that shit...with my fist raised and my voice loud…and I damn anyone who dare call me unpatriotic for doing so.
Here endeth the lesson.