A bitch neglected to follow-up on my experiment in international chocolate-based relations!
Forgive me...blame it on the chocolate.
Margaret of Germany was kind enough to send a bitch a gift of chocolate-based yumminess…and she doesn’t even like Smarties (gasp). Now, a bitch already had some Smartie goodness from a certain Jeremy in Montreal....not much, but some survived my feasting.
Clearly a bitch was going to have to have a taste test.
A portion of Canadian Smarties were set aside and an equal portion of German Smarties were set to the other side. C-Money had already consumed my Chocolate Heart of Smartie love...which was Canadian and, from all reports, yummy.

Taking care to indulge in several sips of vodka cran before switching between the two, this bitch was able to detect a slight difference.
Germany Smarties are slightly more milk chocolate-like. Canadian Smarties have more of a chocolate aftertaste.
Or maybe that was the vodka.
Anyhoo…both are yummy! A bitch is taking some to my voter education class tonight as the prize for answering the most quiz questions correctly.
Off a bitch goes...motivating new voters, one international Smarties filled box at a time…
I like your means of cleansing your palate. If only more wine tasting involved in-between vodka shots...
It is a shame that there are not more voters with Smarties.
You are welcome!!! Let me know when you need a refill. I still need to get to France and get some French Smarties for you.
Take care, and enjoy!!
And more smarties are on the way...
he he he
Whatever it takes ABB! Teach the unlearned, unlived, and, unknown.
We shall save them together in our zeal!
Special Anon.
sista keep it up u had me rolling.
I am so glad you cleared your palate with vodka between tastings!
Have you tried the candy coated Hershey Kisses yet? I doubt they'll be as good as your Smarties, but I may go out and buy a bag.
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