Sean began e-mailing me several months ago and he became one of those e-mail friends that you think you have known forever.
He told me once that he prayed for peace. So, if you are so inclined, offer one up in his memory.
He will be missed and remembered fondly by many.
Until we meet again, dear friend....
A prayer for peace is just what the world needs. Let me be the first to offer a prayer of peace for the world, for Sean, For Shark-Fu, for all of us. God bless and Best wishes for all!
I would be honored to pray for your friend with you ABB. Not so angry today I see.
Smile anyway...
Special Anon
I'm terribly sorry for your loss, ABB.
How sad. He'll be in my thoughts tonight.
God rest his soul and bless his family.
I will pray tonight for Sean to find comfort in the arms of our Lord. My best friend, Norman, lost his battle with AIDS in August of 2003. I miss him every single day of my life. I hope that Sean was as loved in his daily life as Norman was. I hope he will be mourned well. Most of all, I hope he finds the peace he so dearly wished for. I am sorry, ABB. It is never easy to lose a friend, email variety or otherwise.
for peace and a cure for AIDS.
rest eternal grant him,O Lord.
i will add his name to out prayer list as well.
There is peace, down the river. There is peace on the way!
My prayers for peace are offered up in Sean's honor today.
God rest his soul. May you find comfort in your time of loss. And may the United States Government not cut anymore funding to what few AIDS programs exist..
May Sean stand in the presence of light, and may the angels sing him to his rest, may God Bless him and hold him in the palm of his hand.
Eternal rest grant him and
may perpetual light shine upon him.
Another Angel for you in heaven...
Peace my friend
My prayers to Sean as well.
Your friend is your needs answered.
He is your field which you sow with love and reap with thanksgiving.
And he is your board and your fireside.
For you come to him with your hunger, and you seek him for peace.
--Kahlil Gibran
A prayer for Sean, and for all of his friends and family.
Here is the contact info for Mike ROunds gov of South Dakota
Mike ROunds
500 East Capital Ave
Pierre, SOuth Dakota 57501-2536
Write or call Mike and tell him how much you think SD is making a mistake with their policy to control choice for women.
I read his reasoning as to why it is a good idea and I find it so strange that these anti-choice people tell the poor "you rely too much on the government, then also say the government will take care of you." I mean which one is it? They are so full of shit.
A woman can take care of herself as long as she is not shackled by their archaic "laws". Most people struggle in this world because so many obastackles are put in their way!
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