UPDATE 9/21/07 - The jury has been sent back in with new instructions. Drama!
The Spector jury is deadlocked?

You’ve got to be kidding me!
A bitch just returned from a doctor’s appointment to learn that Phil Spector’s jury is hung.
They are unable to reach a verdict in the second degree murder trial.
Blink again.

Maybe I missed something, but it looked to me that the “wall of sound” crumbled to reveal a world of crazy and Phil Spector's days as a free roaming gun adoring music legend were numbered.
So, ummm....wow.
Isn't is funny how the rich and famous manage to hang up juries (excluding the Corporate ones) and ordinary people get verdicts.
What? He murdered a woman and they can't agree. I mean, that guy is a nutball and I am a mental health professional. Good Lord. Okay, let's have another trial at the cost of those Hollywood taxpayers. Eek.
I was watching an old sitcom rerun (why?) this morning. A rich woman on the show joked to her daughter-in-law that she was just rich enough to get away with exactly one murder. . . . .
emperor palpatine, pope benedict, and phil spector = separated at birth?
Who the hell is this guy? I know nothing. Really. I have Netflix and the "news" is depressing.
Wow... thats amazing. Celebs can get away with anything, it seems, and juries are full of star-struck idiots. *sigh
Shark-Fu, it's California! C-A-L-I-F-O-R-N-I-A! I'm not surprised they're deadlocked & you shouldn't be either. Try him in Missouri or anywhere in the South and he'd be swinging by now.. but in the land of plastic & pretension?
Unfortunately the jury was instructed with only one potential charge. Had manslaughter been on the table, I think it might have turned out differently.
Ummm, maybe it was all the different hair styles that confused them - they weren't sure which Spector did the deed ??
Ant Annie in Pittsburgh
With ya on this one, ABB. Spector probably *thinks* he's not guilty. But he's CRAZY, people. CRAZY. Just cause you think you ain't guilty, don't make it so.
Oh fuck me. It shouldn't be that which pushes me over the edge, but damn. This man terrorized beautiful and amazing Ronnie Spector for YEARS, and got away with it. He hates women. He hates all people, but women especially. He's a brilliant artist, but he needs to pay for his crimes.
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