Fuck it all, winter is here.
Y'all be safe...some people drive crazy!

What your boo don't know...
Whenever my ass gets anxious whilst driving this bitch likes to put on hip hop music and play it loud as hell. For some reason it relaxes me...or maybe its that it distracts me. Anyhoo, I was driving home because our office closed early due to weather drama and this song came on the radio.
Note - a bitch's cd player is busted...and my ass is stuck with the radio when driving...and if I ever find the motherfucker who came up with the 24/7 holiday music idea this bitch is going to correct the hell out of him or her!
So, this song stuck to the typical formula...good beat, heavy bass and lots of unnecessary vocal scales. The lyrics were so random they made me wince. Then came the chorus.
What your girl don't know wont hurt her.
Distraction granted!
What the fuck? I kept listening and there is was again...what your boo don't know can't hurt her.
Lawd, give me strength!
What your boo don't know may hurt her...may remain with her for life and may kill her...or him.
Fucking has consequences...beyond the possibility of a baby.
My sisters and brothers, HIV/AIDS is our disease. We need to own it...understand it...and discuss it openly with friends, lovers and family. HIV/AIDS is our disease...it is in our community and maybe even in our home.
The problem isn't music or entertainment...it's that lately entertainment is the only thing out there discussing sex. Sex has been removed from sex education...prevention has been replaced by the school of abstinence or death...and the same parents who don't know shit are now trying to educate their chil'ren about the shit they don't know.
Quite a curious plan to deal with a public health issue, don't you think?
I can't help but think of driver's education. Fuck it, driver's ed. was the one class my friends never missed in high school (wink).
You couldn't get a license to drive without passing the class and everyone wanted to drive.
What if drivers ed. removed the driving test? What if they only covered driving under ideal conditions...on country lanes with no traffic?
What if 16 year olds could take a class...never discuss responsible driving...never learn how to handle a car...and then get the keys and just go for it?
Sounds crazy, doesn't it?
Insane in the membrane even!
Sounds dangerous as hell to this bitch.
But what your boo don't know you do.
Don't you?
Know your status...get your learn on...and get real.
Because every day...24/7 and 12...is World AIDS Day.