A quick note on anger…

Anger is fueled by passion and giving a shit. Everything this bitch is, every right this bitch has and every freedom my ass enjoys exists because someone got angry...and then got active.
Moving forward...
Connections as explored through music…
A bitch used to sing in my high school’s concert choir. We practiced everyday…first the song, then the inflection and finally the presentation.
And then we went out and performed. Yes, this bitch was fantabulous…

Anyhoo, too many organizations committed to social justice are trapped in practice mode. They send out messages about songs no one outside of 'the choir' has heard and then get pissed off when people either misinterpret what song they are singing or throw the messages away because they have no fucking idea what the hell you are taking about.
All things circle back to the masses and our ability to introduce them to our music. Eventually, we want them to sing along…to hum the song on the way home and throughout the day. And when someone mentions the song, we need them to remember our version of it and be able to sing it back with passion and conviction.
The song…the message…must be presented to the masses. And you had better sing your ass off! Shit, we need to be singing about equality like Jennifer Holliday sang in Dreamgirls...and if you don’t know what my ass is talking about a bitch may faint.
Got a cause? Great! Practice that song, honey…and then get off your ass and on stage and perform the fucking hell out of it. Otherwise you forfeit the right to bitch about the fact that the masses are singing tired assed shit off key. The show will go on, with or without you.

Speaking of the show...
Today a bitch listened to the news that Hamas is claiming victory in the Palestinian election with concern. But my ass remembers our own election…and those masses who let my ass down.
Democracy won…the people chose, with an apparent mandate, the party whose policy they want to pursue.
Yeah…they’re singing, but does their music appeal to thy ear?
Did Fatah present their own music to the masses? Yes. Did the masses prefer Hamas’s music? Apparently.
Democracy won…and now we have to figure out what to do. Do we turn off the radio because the tune hurts our ears? Do we try to work with the masses to get them to sing the music they prefer better? Or…do we try to

And it all circles back to the masses....the winning of hearts and minds.
Lawd, this bitch is tired of singing Motherless Child...
To understand the music of Hamas you must understand the music of militant Isalm which seeks the overthrow of the entire western and European culture.
This Angry Old Jewish Bitch is very worried now that terrorism has won the day....of course though Fatah was no better Arafat left a disgusting legacy of corruption and greed.....
the Palestinian voters voted for the immediate wihout considering the future.......its a shame it had to be that way...Fatah basically killed itself....
power corrputs...absoulte power corrupts absolutely...what will Hamas bring to the Palestinian people that Fatah did not? Full scale war....
There was a vote and Hamas won. We had no say. Oh Bush tried. Then when he didn't like the out come he says he will not deal with Hamas. So whats he done for these people before? He acted like Arafat was subhuman. He sided with Israel on every turn. Israel needs to learn to get along with the people they share air with. If they can't then let them fight thier own battles. This tax paying bitch is tired of sending them money.
Bush said he wants democracy in the Middle East. He got it. Just another lesson about being careful of what you wish for.
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