A bitch has just won a $50 bet that my ass would get a juicy "N" word comment within a year of blogging (see anonymous comment #1 to this post)!
Told ya...
$50 will be donated to the Southern Poverty Law Center in memory of the late Judge Theodore McMillian, who left this world yesterday and was the first black judge appointed to the 8th circuit court of appeals.
For the record, a bitch is almost 33 years old and has been black since conception. A bitch has heard it, been called it, cried over it, fought over it and sighed over it.
And that comment stays on this blog.
For the people who think that racism is no longer a factor in American society.
For all those that think that black people don't get called 'those names" anymore.
For everone who thinks that a bitch is way out off target and that folks don't "think like that anymore" or "express those kind of feelings anymore" or have the audacity to act on them.
That comment stays.
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The Gumdrop Stage of Grief ...
So many of you have shared condolences and support after the death of my beloved brother Bill from COVID-19. I wish I could thank you indiv...

I was slightly illish this weekend and took to my bed Saturday, but I did rally for Brother Rob Thurman’s fantabulous cookie decorating part...
So many of you have shared condolences and support after the death of my beloved brother Bill from COVID-19. I wish I could thank you indiv...
Okay, so most of you know that this bitch has some evil assed fibroids . Most of them were successfully murdered with full premeditation se...
I was just thinking that exact same thing.
Funny how those kinds of weak-ass idiot fuckwad cowards are so very smart and brave when they don't have to leave their NAME.
Good for you for leaving it up there, ABB. You are one classy babe.
Kudos to you for keeping it up. However—
If you do in fact find out the identity of said commenter, I'll be happy to hunt him/her down and destroy him/her—preferably by flaying alive. And just so there's no confusion, I charge no fee for this service. It's just something to pass the time....
And she says I'm paranoid when I get security concerns regarding her activism. FYI, all y'all crazy motherfuckers reading this blog, I believe in the 2nd Amendment due to the presence of crazy motherfuckers like you. ABB, you need to post that classic photo of Malcolm X.
C-Money on a Militant Tip
ABB, you totally rock my world.
ABB- do people really believe racism is over? I guess I shouldn't seem suprised. If I had a quarter for everytime I was called fag or faggot or some derivative thereof I would be a wealthy, um, faggot.
It's always hard for me to remember my commitment to non-violence when people say hateful things...
Speaking of hateful people...have you read any of the new legislation out there on Phelps and his funeral protesting. Illinois, Missouri and Kansas are all enacting and exporting these 'laws'...woo hoo!
Talk to you later!
It amazes me that people still think that way and speak that way.
And saddens me.
And, with your permission, gives me an anecdote for this evening, when I go to town on Flannery O'Conner's "Everything That Rises Must Converge."
Permission not needed but granted, Cranky Prof...
I've got four words for ya to describe, anon:
The time difference caused me to not see the anon comment until now but I'm with you, ABB. Don't take shit off of anyone.
You got that right, C-Money. Sometimes the 2nd amendment is a beautiful thing...
abb, i commend you for keeping the comment posted. deleting it some how shifts things, but you have power over it. all eyes are now privy.
that stinking, festering comment sits there like a pile of shit. sure, it smells up the room, but without the funk, some folks tend to forget the pile exists.
and speaking of piles of shit--i suffered a sprained jaw/torn muscles this past weekend from the fist of an irate straight man.
the shit don't stop.
Good on you, ABB. Keep airing it so the idiots can see and smell the shit those bastards keep flinging.
The six word comment goes beyond a racial pejorative. It is plain and simple hate speech, delivered in gutteral form. And the anonymity causes the cowardice to resonate.
Yeah, people still use that word. I moved here to Arkansas five years ago, and have had folks native to this region use it on several different occasions and immediately apologize to me, the Yankee interloper. Some things are ingrained, and I give credit to folks who recognize it's wrong.
I will have to say I've been pleasantly surprised by the experience in Arkansas; it's vastly different than Jefferson City, Missouri was 20 years ago. There is not the prejudice, not the resentment I experienced in Jeff. But my skin is white (well, maybe a little swarthy), so I don't know what slights and slurs are experienced.
This is a wonderful blog; I got tipped to it a couple months ago by sz's World o' Crap. My wife saw it in the URL catcher and said, "What the hell is 'Angry Black Bitch'?" I explained, with pleasure.
I am always inspired and delighted by your blog but beware of the Southern Poverty Law Center. This exposein Harper's (hardly a right wing publication) ended my donations.
Your response is brilliant, ABB. Sadly, my first thought on reading this post was, "I'm surprised it took this long."
You are one of the strongest women I've ever met! It's an honor to know you!
You are amazing. I've read your blog long enough that I *shouldn't* be surprised at your ability to be presented with something so disgusting, take the power away from the assshole, and then use the whole thing as testmony to the truth.
You are so fucking powerful. I am in awe.
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