Monday, January 23, 2006

Fuck this fucking day!

Is this the worst day of the year?

And why the fuck didn't someone warn me?

Lawd, have mercy!

Make it end...


Anonymous said...

I had that day, too, but for me it was last Friday. Hang in there, girl!

CrankyProf said...

It's the worst fucking day in the world.

Sadly, it's only MONDAY, and we're still in January.

Jesus to GAWD, I need a vodka-cran.

Shark-Fu said...

Vodka and grape cran in hand...

Better now...

Lawd, what a fucked up to hell and back day!

thatfarmgirl said...

The good news: only 40 more minutes left of this fishtunken day on the East Coast...

lost clown said...

Ugh, don't I know it. Now why can't I peel myself away from uselss arguments that just frustrate me?

christine mtm said...

feeling any better yet?

Joolya said...

Yes, yes it is. Hope hte vodka helped! My pink ass got nice and tipsy Friday night. ;)

Admin said...

Maybe you were feeling bad because of the water?

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