Thursday, July 21, 2005

The whole world is watching...!

A bitch woke up feeling like absolute shit. My eyes are all puffy and I’m hacking up things. My ass didn’t even hit the vodka last night! This is so wrong…

After preparing a fantabulous cup of java (no cinnamon, because a bitch didn’t have the strength) I settled my ass down to watch the Today Show.

Breaking News…from Sudan…?
It seems that Condi (not close…can’t stand the ho) decided to visit Sudan and take care of some non-business. Mainly, this visit was a bullshit public relation stunt that never had any real object of addressing the over 2 million displaced Sudanese on the verge of death. Condi had on a ruthlessly pressed pant suit and not a hair was out of place…until…Andrea Mitchell of NBC News and also the well preserved wife of Alan Greenspan of Fed fame decided to ask a question.

The incident in Sudan went something like this...

Andrea M. to the dude running Sudan…“Mr. President/dictator/tyrant, why should we trust you when you have lied so many…Jesus! Get your hands off of my...oh my God….Dorothy, we’re not in Kansas anymore…help! Help me! My husband controls the world’s economy!! This suit cost more than your national debt…!”

Security guards actually lifted wee little Andrea Mitchell up and tossed her from the press conference. And a bitch means tossed. Andrea reported the incident to Katie Couric via phone. Condi (that ho) demanded and received an apology from the mass killer and displacer of millions.

Condi's statement of the moment "They have no right to push and shove." But they can torch a fucking villiage unchecked, right? Can you believe this shit?

For 20 minutes this bitch actually held onto the hope that the crisis in Sudan may make it to the top of the media dung heap. They’ve roughed up Americans in front of a high ranking official! Now they will have to take this genocidal drama seriously! Now, maybe this government will be embarrassed into some real action…

More Breaking News…from London…
More bombs or incidents of bombs. Same story…different day…new video.

What were they saying about drama in Sudan?

Oh, never you mind.

CNN has a witness from the tube live..!

And the heap just got taller...

1 comment:

Admin said...

Say what? They felt up the HNIC's staffers?! Dammit, let's invade. Give it up for Condi tho--the press & curl and the wrinkle free suit under those conditions is major coup. Strangé sister! Strangé! If she'd just work on that grill...

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