Rep. Carson was the first woman and the first black person to represent Indianapolis in

She championed children's rights, women's rights...was an advocate for the homeless and worked for peace rather than war.
As Senator Bayh (D-Indiana) said..."She was elected to important public offices, but never forgot who she was, where she came from or who she was there to serve."
May we all be inspired to do the same...
RIP to the good lady. Seems like her causes were all the right ones.
R.I.P. indeed. This is a loss.
Why is it the great ones leave us so young? ;(
News and Notes last night played a piece of an interview with her where she discussed how she reminds people that she came from the sort of background they are demonizing, single black drop-out mother, and she rose all the way to the Congress. Her shining example gives us proof that all families have value and need to be supported.
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