Then it rang again and, fearing some sort of drama, I picked it up.
There was a pause and then a tinkled voice asked “Miz Shark-Fu? That you?”
It was one of the wee ones from the home I volunteer at. There

“Yes.” I replied cautiously. “Is something wrong, honey?”
“Hold on! We got your Christmas (pronounced KRISSS'mess) present for you! Hold on!”
So I held.
Then I heard a gloriously off key chorus of young chil'ren…and at least one pissed off and not afraid to let you know it infant (wink)…float through my phone.
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
They stumbled over the "good tidings" part, but finished strong.
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
“Merry Christmas Miz Shark-Fu!” the voice tinkled back on the line.
"Merry Christmas to y’all too!” I somehow managed to reply.
“Gotta go.” was followed by a firm click.
I dried happy tears and made a mental note to add basic phone etiquette to next year’s curriculum (wink)…
…and then I called back to thank the staff, mothers and chil’ren for reminding me that the best gifts come from the heart.
Absolutely beautiful. It continues a theme for me as I was entitled to attend a gospel choir's performance at a shelter. Talk about energy. It still gives me chills.
Merry Christmas Fu!
That is awesome.
Merry Christmas, Shark-Fu!
Shark Fu..this was a wonderful first read for me today. Thank you for making my day. To me, there is nothing finer than the love and affection of a child.
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends you dear sweet woman ;)
As I wipe my wet face . . .
Peace and joy to you Miz Shark-Fu.
Best gift ever...
That is absolutely fabulous! You deserve it. Thank you for all you do. Reading your blog makes my day many days.
Best wishes!
As my 4 year old says, "Merry Kissam!"
A wonderful post. Thank you for sharing the real meaning of Christmas and the work we do.
Why'd you have to go and make me cry? That was a beautiful present.
" And the children shall lead."
Thanks ABB.
I came to post a Merry Christmas to You, Shark-Fu - and I was blessed in return.
P.S. and Many Cranvodkas to You..
Oh, that is so marvellous. Merry Kissmass to you!
That's the spirit! It's what the holidays are supposed to be all about. It's the heartfelt and thoughful getures that stay with us the longest.
Happy Holidays and a Wonderful New Year to you!
Merry Christmas Shark-Fu. Thanks for another great year of blog !
Oh how sweet - I've got a lump in my throat.
...and a happy new year to you.
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