Friday, October 12, 2007

Blessed are the peacemakers…

Congratulations go out to a certain Vice President Al Gore who has been co-awarded the Noble Peace Prize. Gore shares the prize with the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Some look at things that are, and ask why.
I dream of things that never were and ask why not?

George Bernard Shaw

Go on with your bad self, Mr. Gore!


Dandy said...

Amen to that, ABB! .....and Blessed are the meek (Peacemakers) for THEY shall inherit the Earth. Speaking of which: how many more deranged, cowardly assholes are out there plotting noose-hanging scemes on our Black women Educators! Talkin' about fucking terrorism???

Elizabeth said...

Love, love, love that man. Trying hard to not think what our country would be like if he'd actually taken office after he won the election.....

Anonymous said...

He did win the election. If he was in office now, no doubt they'd be issuing a new one of those plates your gramma has up on the know, the ones with Robt Kennedy, Martin, et. al. Not that he rolls like those guys, nowadays his plate would be sponsored by Burger King or Wendy's....

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