A bitch woke up with one topic on her mind. This kind of singular focus is rare. I usually have several things that I’m pissed off at. So what is the bitch pissed about, you ask? What could have possibly moved ahead of continued Gitmo prisoner abuse and an ongoing hatred of all things Michael?
I’ve got three words for you, chil’ren…
Matt fucking Blunt.
My fellow Missourians will immediately understand! He’s our Governor, God help us. His wife is a tacky munchkin like thing who has produced what appeared to be a baby a few months back. I’m not just being bitchy…it was very Damienesque. Honest! Matt is anti-choice and a homophobe who disputes evolution and believes that Missouri should start flying the fucking Confederate Flag.
Fuck his privileged, ignorant, family probably doesn’t even date back to the Civil War ass to hell! Yes, I said HELL! I don’t even believe in hell…but I want it to exist just so that Matt Blunt can go there and burn motherfucker burn!
But I digress.
This shit is what I’m referring to.
I’m disgusted that this debate continues to go on. To my knowledge, the United States is the only country in the world that allows the rebel flag of a militant group of radical separatists to fly within its borders. Please, prove me wrong! I may find comfort in some miserable company.
Either way, the Civil War was fought and won. It's over! It's fucking been over! A bitch is concerned that the boy Governor has lost his fucking mind! Or perhaps not. Maybe he’s just declaring his true loyalties.
ABB’s Take of this Bullshit Flag Shit
The undisputed history of the Confederate Flag is as follows.
First Insurgent Aggression
12/20 1860 – South Carolina declared it’s independence from the United States of America – this was the first aggressive flare up of the insurgency.
The Insurgency Unites Under One Leader
2/9 1860 – The subsequent militant states all gather with the original enemy combatants of South Carolina and form the first terrorist organization to systematically attack the United States of America – The Confederate States of America.
Terror under a Militant Flag
4/10 1861 – In their first act of militant anti-American terrorism, the enemy combatants of the CSA engage in an act of terror at Fort Sumter. The Confederate Battle Flag was adopted by the enemy combatants as the official flag of the CSA.
You Can Run But You Can’t Hide!
4/9 1865 – General Robert E. Lee throws down his weapons and surrenders his army.
One nation, one flag?
4/14 1865 – The Stars and Stripes is raised above the former terrorist stronghold at Ft. Sumter.
Motherfuckers, this is not about history or heritage! The Confederate Flag is and can only be the representative flag of a terrorist insurrection against the elected government of the United States of America. It was the official flag of a militant organization whose insurgency still raises its ugly head in this country. Nothing good has been done under the Confederate Flag. Sorry. Nothing! Just lynchings, killings, rape, war and death. That’s it, motherfuckers. So pack up the hoop skirts and move the fuck on!
Matt Blunt just spat in the face of every Missourian who believes in equality. He spat in the face of every Missourian of color. He shits on those who have tried to find common ground between the races here.
And I hate him. I hate him for stirring this shit up. I hate him for being a peevish unevolved little shit. I hate Matt Blunt and I wish him nothing but unhappiness, misery and debt.
And to those rebel flag waving shits – bring it on!
You peevish little no-budget balancing, medicaid slashing, no education policy having, ugly assed baby creating racist shit!
Jesus to God, a bitch doesn't know if I can survive 3 more years of this shit!
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don't be shy. tell us how you really feel (grin). seriously, what's the title to that article so i can find it without having to give the Kansas City Star a DNA sample?
For readers who prefer not to register....oh, and Fahren:-)
Check out http://www.stltoday.com/
There's a poll! God bless Missouri!
My younger brother lives right down the road from you, in Springfield, MO. He was apoplectic about Blunt being elected in the first place.
He sounds like a complete fucking asshat. And that's coming from someone who has Rick Santorum as one of her Congresscritters.
Affrimative Access in action. (Never thought of the terrorist/insurgency angle before, though I have heard John Brown described as a terrorist. Funny how that works.)
Great perspective with the terrorist description.
I think of the confederate flag being right there with the nazi flag personally. It's part of my heritage - but that means I know enough about my heritage to know better than to be proud of that shit.
Stop EBONICS! it makes America sound retarded. Get it out of horrible hollywood movies.
Kid your a stupid mother fucker the confederate battle flag is perfectly fine to fly in missouri, missouri is one of the stars on it stupid shit. i have one flying at my house. shut your fucking mouth pussy. matt blunt is making a perfectly reasonable and normal decision. welcome to a southern state bitch.
Just a couple of things.
#1 - Get a fucking map. This is the midwest, asshole. The middle. You wanna get your southern on, jump in your truck and head south.
#2 Matt Blunt is no longer the Governor (thank the gods).
#3 Since you don't know who the Governor is you obviously don't vote so...fuck it, you don't matter.
#4 Thanks so much for flying the Confederate Flag outside your house. How else would we know where all the ig'nant assholes live in Missouri?
Toodles to you, you throw back freak!
Lol funny that a flag can make a sheboon still chimp out
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