Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Makes you wanna take a bath...

A bitch is in a foul mood. I’m actively trying to snap out of it, but sometimes my ass just gets fed up with everything and now is such a time.

A bitch was unsuccessful in my attempt to avoid the media frenzy over the not guilty verdict in the Michael Jackson trial. Half a bottle of Jesus' Juice did nothing to dull the pain. These assholes were fucking melting down over this shit! And a bitch has had enough…enough, I tell you…of the frenzy and stupid assed questions over this verdict!

ABB’s Summary of the Sorry Assed Trial of Michael Jackson
Motherfuckers, this trial was over before it started. Media hacks - please sit down and take notes so a bitch can make you understand what you seem incapable of understanding.

Michael had a great lawyer, but if he had a Public Defender he would have won this shit. There was no DNA bombshell. No witness worth shit came forward to corroborate the accuser's story. The Prosecution sucked and the testimony was random as hell. This is not a case of "celebrity justice" or "jury nullification". They simply were not presented enough evidence to overcome the standard of reasonable doubt. That’s it. Not enough shit on the table, God Damnit!

No, Katie, they did not acquit Michael because the accuser's mother acted like a mad woman. No, Nancy Grace, this is not the most shocking acquittal in the history of modern man. No, CNN, the verdict does not exonerate Michael. You peevish little shits, this verdict simply states that the State of California did not present enough evidence to convict Michael Jackson on the molestation of that boy.

Now, why the fuck does this bother you shits so much? Why are you getting all worked up? Your legal advisors all agree that this verdict is sound and that the jury feedback was reasonable. The jury deliberated for several days before coming back. There were no renegade black jurors that you can blame for the verdict. Michael didn’t play the "race card" or any of that other shit you love to pontificate about.

You just wanted him to go down, didn’t you? You just feel that he’s guilty. And you know what? So do I. I think he is guilty. But I don’t think the state proved it.

And that brings a bitch to the parents. Doesn’t is always come back to them? I charge Michael’s parents for raising him like a freak and clearly not addressing his bizarre behavior in a caring way. They are guilty of enabling him and this bitch thinks they are guilty of abusing him into a state of perpetual weirdness.

A bitch accuses the children's parents of extreme greed. You sick, money hungry craven bastards! Nothing makes me more ill than the thought of a child being sold for sex. And let me be clear – these children were sold for sex! I don’t want to hear any bullshit on this, either. If Michael didn’t fuck them and I’m wrong it doesn’t exonerate the parents from putting their children in an environment that screams to any sane person that a child is likely to get fucked there! Jesus to God and back to Earth again, you people are the lowest of the low.

Where is the Christian Coalition on this shit? Where are the moralists? Come out, fuckers, and tell the world that families should protect children and that this is wrong and these parents are sick and shouldn’t be allowed to keep their kids. Where are you fuckers? Are you waiting for one of the parents to come out of the closet? Because this is your issue…sitting square in the bull’s eye, honey! I’ve had to suffer through attacks on Sponge Bob and PBS, but where is your opinion on this shit. But of course, you are silent. Because when a real issue of parental fitness hits the fan you don’t want any part of it. Irrelevant hypocritical hateful fucks!

I’m so tired. A bitch wishes things were different. A bitch wishes the media had spent even one tenth of the time covering the trial that opened up in Mississippi. The trial of a violent segregationist who participated in the murder of three young civil rights workers and got away with it. What would they ahve accomplished had they lived? What did his not guilty verdict so many years ago mean to our country? I wish they would explore that "justice" and the impact it had. A bitch couldn’t even find that story yesterday for all the mental masturbation taking place over Michael.

I confess I was eager to get the verdict. I desperately wanted this trial to be over. And I hate waiting for anything.

But I didn’t prepare myself for the pile of shit waiting to shower me post verdict. I knew it was coming...but denial is this bitch’s blanket in many a media shit storm…

Its time to stock up on the Jesus Juice and head for high ground.


Eva said...

Again, I'm right there with you. The Senate apology got like 2 seconds of air play and you have to go online or to the papers to find ANYTHING about the trial in Mississippi. And they say it's the young people that have their priorities in the wrong place. I wonder where they learned it?

Maven said...

I'm with dmfinny regarding the Christian fundies going after the homo-agenda; however, if MJ isn't the poster child for the no-homo agenda, I don't know who is!

I agree whole-heartedly that all of this was driven by avarice on the part of the parents LITERALLY pimping their children for money.

And really, what does the Senate apology amount to? A whole lotta nada--it's not like it'll bring those three civil rights kids from the grave.

Admin said...

I remember when this story broke I was listening to a 'Christian' radio station and the host was going on and on about MJ being weird and perverted. Excuse me but Mike was not roaming around in a van snatching kids off the playground. Parunts with sprogs in tow were lining up outside the gates of Neverland with $$ in their eyes. This vitriol is just displaced OJ anger. They still haven't gotten over it--and never will. Meanwhile nobody is paying attention to the thousands Mugabe displaced this week...

BarefootCajun said...

Amen and again amen, girl! I could not have said it better myself.

It's time for the media to realize that the prosecution FAILED here and could not present a case that found him guilty BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT.

I am sickened by the whole thing.

The parents that bring their children to Neverland should be on trial here. Sick, sick shit.

I saw D. L. Hugely the other night talking about this very thing. He was saying there was something wrong with the parents here. He finished by remarking that "You don't see Tito dropping his kids off at Neverland to hang with Uncle Mike".

Anonymous said...

I think Mike is a freak, I do think he is a pedophile. I also think the state presented a weak ass case and the verdict was sound. I always wondered if M.J. loved children so much, why did he only love little boys between 9-13? Why not little girls? I also think these parents who drop their children off at a man's house who claims to be like Peter Pan and sleeps in a bed with them are guilty of being stupid fucks unworhty of the children they laid down and made.

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