Friday, December 01, 2006

Light to Unite...

My brother in vodka, Absolut Billy, sent this bitch information about Bristol-Myers Squibb and their Light to Unite campaign.

Bristol-Myers Squibb will donate money for every unique lighting of the candle...and the site has some nice education features too.

Thanks for passing this on to me Absolut Billy...a bitch hopes y'all will take a moment to visit the site and light the candle this World AIDS Day.


Anonymous said...

Peace, and thanx for the info. As I sit with my glass of Absolut and OJ and reminisce about my grandaddy, you have made me smile.

Anonymous said...

No, they're not donating a dollar for every visitor who lights a candle. Even though they've had over a million candles lit, BMS has capped their donation at $100,000. How deceptive.

Anonymous said...

This whole concept it thoroughly disgusting. They're giving money to an educational organization that will provide information about treatments, etc. Ironically, BMS manufacturers drugs for HIV / AIDS treatment. Shouldn't they be happily giving money to these type of organizations since, in the end, it'll all come back to their own pockets many times over by drug sales? This whole concept is just a sales tactic to make BMS look good.

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