Did it start with want…or need? At some point want was need and need was want and it simply had to be. That passion became a living thing...the energy that fueled a revolution.
Just 230 years ago the founding citizens of the American experiment generated power through passion…engaged in some serious treason against the monarchy…and jumped head first into the ocean of history.
In between hitting the shops and barbequing take a moment to reflect...on our shining moments and our painful mistakes…on all that was generated from the application of political theory just 230 years ago...
In spite of America's flaws, we're very lucky to live here.
Have a blessed fourth!!!
Happy 4th, ABB.
Thanks for a refreshing 4th of July post. Yeah, we are lucky to live here b/c shit's a lot worse in many other countries, but we instigate and/or exacerbate bad shit all over the world, and with our vast wealth and power there is so much the US could be doing to make other places better, but we emphatically do not b/c it doesn't pay the bills of the richest 1%. And for those reasons and so many others (big, specific one of the moment the travesty that is the war in Iraq), I am not proud to be an American right now.
Prone to bitch as I may, I am invariably grateful for what this country has given me. Happy 4th!
Yup. Our country isn't the perfect society, but I'm proud to be an American because of the freedoms I enjoy and even take for granted. I'm glad I wasn't born in North Korea, or Saudi Arabia or one of those African countries that commit mass genocide every few years...
Happy 4th of July!
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