A bitch has been indulging in some serious conversations about China, democracy and the future of the world with Brother Rob. My ass loves this shit! However, this bitch has something else to bitch about today…
2 cups coffee with Splenda and 1% organic milk, 1 Claritin, 2 Sudafed, yummy raisin bran with organic milk and cigs…
A bitch woke up today and settled down to watch the Today Show. My ass was still pissed off at a segment they ran yesterday regarding a British study that said stay at home moms produce better chil’ren than working moms. So, today’s segment on the women behind Scooter sent my ass over the edge…
ABB’s rant on the women behind the asshole in charge...
With the nomination of Harriet Miers for Supreme Court Justice many members of the media are crowning Scooter the king of championing the equality of women. It is true that Scooter’s administration has a lot of high profile women in key positions, so one might assume that Scooter is one heck of a pro-woman’s equality kind of guy.
This bitch thinks that assumption is pure unadulterated bullshit.
Regarding Miers…
Scooter and his minions have settled on the word trailblazer to define Miers. They hope that the public will see Miers as a woman who broke new ground and shattered that glass ceiling to bits. A bitch finds the nomination of Miers insulting. She is being presented as a replacement for one of the most accomplished women of our time. Love her or hate her, Justice O’Conner was in the top 5 of her class at Stanford Law and kicked down quite a few doors. Justice O’Conner was an amazing nominee because she demonstrated just how accomplished a woman could be and, in reality, had to be. She was qualified. Miers is not. And this bitch absolutely rejects any fucking position piece that says Miers was the best woman for the job. No fucking way. Her lack of judicial qualifications in the face of the amazing qualifications of the woman she has been tapped to replace is the very definition of insulting and a clear statement from Scooter regarding how he views women.
Regarding Rice…
Condi, on paper, is quite an accomplished woman. She went to college very young, did very well and then proceeded to live out the black assimilation dream held by many of her generation. Condi has a lot of policy experience, leadership experience and can speak Russian. So, why the fuck is Condi sitting next to the man sitting next to the man sitting next to the head asshole in charge? Why isn’t Condi the head sistah in charge? And why should my black ass be excited to see a woman who could be president sit back and develop fucked up policy for the man who should never have been president? Fuck this shit! This ain’t progress, motherfuckers! This is just the same tired ass bullshit with an uptight white-girl bob. And her policies suck ass!
Regarding Hughes…
Jesus. Where to start? Karen Hughes had a great career as a journalist, which she decided to flush down the toilet and go work on Scooter’s campaign for Governor of Texas. This bitch has no problem with tough as nails, hard working, smart and disciplined women. My ass does have a problem with a woman like that working her ass off for the most uninspiring, unqualified, dumb ass silver spoon wanna be Texan ever to run for office. Shame on you Karen! And this bitch is terrified that the pit-bull of the 2000 election is now spreading American values throughout the Middle East. Lawd have mercy!
And finally, regarding Laura…
Laura Bush is an articulate well-educated woman who was a practicing librarian. By all accounts she loves books and is an avid reader. She seems self possessed and confident. Why in the name of all that is holy did she settle on Scooter? Why Laura? Was it the money? Was it the opportunity to better his ass? Is this a mercy marriage? Are you running for saint or something? Or…could it be that you are evil and therefore attracted to evil? At any rate, Laura’s ability to speak throws into sharp relief her husband's inability to string a sentence together. And those adoring looks are creepy. Go with Gawd, girlfriend…this bitch doesn’t even want to know your life.
W does not stand for women. The true legacy of Scooter's administration for women will be one of constant attacks on women’s privacy/health/reproductive rights, a sick return to pseudo-Christian female submission, an economic debacle that has particularly hurt women of color and a freakish sorority of women standing behind male ineptitude rather than seizing power.
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The Gumdrop Stage of Grief ...
So many of you have shared condolences and support after the death of my beloved brother Bill from COVID-19. I wish I could thank you indiv...

I was slightly illish this weekend and took to my bed Saturday, but I did rally for Brother Rob Thurman’s fantabulous cookie decorating part...
So many of you have shared condolences and support after the death of my beloved brother Bill from COVID-19. I wish I could thank you indiv...
Okay, so most of you know that this bitch has some evil assed fibroids . Most of them were successfully murdered with full premeditation se...
I'm sure Laura was all about the money (and probably the good qual snort he had). Hattie M. is just...just...just underwhelming. Of course Georgie thinks she is the absolute best qualified person ever. And we all know how great his judgement is.
You made the RFT "Blog of the Week."
Why, everyone knows that "W" stands for whatafuckinmoron....
Speaking of reproductive rights, a friend of mine sent me this little gem about Indiana Unauthorized Reproduction Bill
Excellent points. I'm SSOOOOO tired of how smart women (and ALL women) are STILL treated in this country. It's worse in others, but ALL women are still 3rd class citizens. We just don't 'see' it anymore with all the propaganda about 'equal' rights that 'we' have.
ok....so pissed off after work today....my boss accused a woman w/ more education than him of cocksucking to get a morning call....
agghh....and then a jack as w/ less ed (i have ba, 2 certs in finance and partial completion of my JD)to make a copy for him in a derogatory manner....i refused. The f'in cry baby told my chauvenistic boss.....booh f'in hooo.....
Also....i've ran into alot of women w/ masters degrees or more...who are on the brink of bankruptcy as they can barely cover rent w/ their menial salaries...while men w/ hardly bachelors are pulling in the 6 and 7 figures.
I'm so frustrated I want to kick some ass....please help!
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