A bitch read
this article on the ABC News.com website and had to take a walk…a long walk…a 'gather my thoughts' and 'calm thyself down' walk around the corner and down the street.
The article, written by John Stossel and Kristina Kendall, is about the negative impact a person’s name has on their life. In short, Shanique will have a more difficult time getting hired than Anne.
Oh, and Shanique will also have a hard time getting married because of her name.
Now, John Stossel is an asshole. I don’t know Kristina Kendall and I really don’t give a shit if she is a woman of color or not. A bitch suspects that she is. Slapping a sister on the byline of an insulting piece of throw back
call for conformity to make The Man feel better about you being ethnic article is on page 2 of the
How to Cover Your Ass While Baiting for Ratings handbook.
I set this shit aside yesterday and slept on it. And when I woke up, a bitch felt the need to preach.
My blog = my pulpit.
Flock of bitchitude (wink),

The world is round…not everyone is “just like you”…and “different” names are only "bad" names when being different means being wrong.
When these assholes refer to a name as “bad” they assume that traditional white American names are “good”.
It also assumes that traditional white American names are better, more acceptable and what we brown people should strive towards.
That, my brothers and sisters, is bullshit.
And this bitch doesn't even
like a lot of new names...and this is
still bullshit.
The surface of the argument is that being something other than white is a mistake for you…and you will be punished for it…and that punishment is logical and therefore acceptable.
Obviously we brown folks can’t undo our 'mark of birth'…but how we
manifest it is ours to control!
Hence the name game…which is really the
blame game…which is also an attempt to absolve the masses for denying someone a motherfucking job interview because of their race and/or cultural background, which those ethnic others had the audacity to indicate through the use of their “bad” names.
Beneath the scab is the tired ass infection of bigotry….the language of
don’t be so different…don’t be so Black/Jewish/Irish/Hispanic/Native American/Asian/Middle Eastern…and don’t expect to go far if you are.
This is not news.
This is propaganda.
It instructs minorities to conform with the promise of a better life…and “easier road”…oh, and marriage! This instruction comes with the undercurrent of punishment for choosing not to conform…the implied threat of denial, suffering and stigma.
Flock, this is a dangerous road to turn onto…it takes us backward in time…and “bad names” is just the first exit on the Highway to 1954. Other exits include, “bad hair”…"dark as a negative thing”…and “minority as less than and unworthy of respect”.
Trust me, faithful…it may seem subtle but, much like a silent fart, it still stinks up the room! It screams for Shanique's parents to be a “good girl and boy” and “tone it down” and she'll “go further” in the company and get married.
Bullshit, bullshit...oh, mercy, mercy me...that is BULLSHIT!
A bitch will be a witness, chil’ren!
Don’t waste your time…you will still be what God made you. The only decision to make is whether to be ashamed of that or celebrate it.
I have straightened my hair…avoided the sun...my voice has been de-Southerned…my educational background is devoid of racial assumptions…my work background was, up until my present job, mainstream as a motherfucker.
And a bitch was then what I am today…a black woman trying to live this thing called life in America.
Nappy headed or straightened…skinny or fat…passive or aggressive...I can only be as Black as the day Gawd gave me life.
And through it all I have been denied, insulted, stereotyped and discriminated against so often that I don’t even address all of it...every time...every insult, snub or assumption.
Who the fuck has time?
So, if there’s some
side benefit to having a “good” name this black bitch has yet to receive it.
For the record...a bitch doesn’t need permission, tolerance or acceptance to celebrate the wonderful diversity that is me.
Empowerment gave me that.
You feel me?
Fuck you if it intimidates you...if you anticipated gratitude...if you prefer submission...if you are more comfortable with Toby.
Yeah...fuck you.
I stopped trying to put The Man at ease years ago.
And that’s what it comes down to, isn’t it? Empowered difference is threatening…somehow it feels judgmental to those in power. The conversation about Shanique having a “bad name” is really about Anne not being a desired name for everyone birthing babies in America today.
This bitch mailed my personal testimony of fully realized empowered and not desperate to get married Black female bitchitude to those motherfuckers at ABC News this morning.
Oh, and my first name is Pamela.