Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Psycho or preparing to whoop some ass?

A bitch stumbled on this story about some pissed off raccoons in Olympia and laughed my ass off.

And I continued to laugh...until I re-read that shit and gave it some thought.

A bitch thinks these raccoons are trying to tell the residents of Olympia something...something along the lines of 'we're tired as hell and not gonna take it anymore!'

Now, this bitch is not going to support the willful attacking of cats and dawgs or the alleged attempted kidnapping of one specific dawg by said pissed off raccoons...shudder...but mayhap this is the beginning of an animal revolt.


This bitch has seen this movie, read the book and even viewed the cartoon...Lawd, have mercy!

Time to make nice with nature before a gang of psychotic overheated and hungry ass hell polar bears join their raccoon comrades in organized revolt...


Anonymous said...


A White Bear said...

Yup. One's a fifteen-pound fuzzball with claws. I'm an 800-pound fuzzball with claws. This could get ugly.

Jeffrey Ricker said...

True confession: when I hear about elephants trampling their abusive circus animal trainers, I feel a little bit of joy. Kind of the feeling I get at the thought of equipping harp seals with opposable thumbs and machine guns. I'm not at all surprised that Mother Nature's SWAT team is finally kicking a little ass, I'm surprised that it took them so long....

CrankyProf said...

I, for one, will welcome our little masked overlords.

(Seriously, I love raccoons. They're so cute -- and more clever than at least 90% of the human population.)

Anonymous said...

Yet another reason to keep your kitties indoors. Now, in addition to finding them squished on the road, they could be the object of an animal revolt!

Cool story.


christine mtm said...

i read a short story once about dogs starting a revolution. only certain humans were allowed safety. i think it was called dog's best man, or something like that. very weird

Hammer said...

I remember reading that book back in the day. I think there was a funny line in there about equality. . .like "we're all equal but some are more equal than others" or some such ridiculousness.

I also always liked the image of a pig walking on two legs. . . very Dubya.


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