It also made that Randy Newman song pop into my head and begin to drive my ass crazy, but that's another post.
It seems that parents are spending…
Are you sitting down?
Parents are spending $50,000 per inch of growth to “treat” their child’s lack of height through the daily injection of human growth hormone.
Mmmhmmm, for real!
The segment featured a mother who was seriously concerned that her son was short. His doctor told her that he would grow to be about 5 feet and 5 inches tall, which was unacceptable to his mother. She was insulted…horrified even…when his teacher called him petite because "that’s just not something you want to hear associated with your son".
Okay. Someone has issues.
This poor child was teased at school for being short and then came home to have his mother not only validate his fellow classmates critique, but validate it to the sum of $200,000 in human growth hormones!
Mom was blushing with pride when she stated that he grew 4 inches…oh, my…and would now not have the burden of being a ‘short man’.

Disclaimer - A bitch is short. I like it, even though reaching the Cream of Wheat at the grocery store is a pain in the ass.
Moving forward...
On its own, the treatment of height…rather, a lack of height…as a medical condition is cause for concern. People are different and that used to be a good thing.
We’re teetering on a ledge here that has been approached by societies before with terrible consequences.
My heart bleeds for this child who has a parent willing to apply long term medical risks to him because her concept of a man involves “someone big and strong”…and for a society so obsessed with altering the individual to conform with an already altered ideal that it would flush medical ethics down the toilet without pause.
So we have teens being given major plastic surgery as graduation presents…faux breasts, multitudes of fat removal procedures and nose/lip/forehead/chin/cheekbone alternations galore.
And now we have children being given human growth hormone to treat being different.
Pretty soon the medical community is going to announce lip enhancement procedures in utero (shudder).
But this bitch can’t help but wonder when, not if, someone is going to sue their mate for false advertising.
Think about it!
Say a couple is man on woman married and/or getting their groove on in the hopes of having a baby…with the assumption being that said infant would be a combination of two individuals DNA and so forth and so on.
If the man was born short but took human growth hormone to get tall...taller than genetics had pre-programmed him to be…this bitch thinks he should disclose that shit before sex so that his wife can decide whether she wants to invest $200,000 of her/their money in her child’s future height treatments or have a child who has the genetic potential of looking more like the milk man than his or her father.
The same applies to all that plastic surgery. Can you imagine how pissed off some vain motherfucker is going to be when he finds out that his darling daughter Mitzi got Mommy’s

Perish the thought!
Or should I say 'schedule that surgery'?
This childhood alteration of humans is begging for regulation and legislation!
At the very least there you be an exploration of warning labels...some sort of 'objects shown in mirror do not appear as they were originally conceived'.
Or mayhap there should be a human lemon law?
Meanwhile, this bitch is keeping an eye out for the cyborgesque generation soon to come…