A certain Governor Palin gave a speech in the lower 48 to an anti-choice gathering and shared her…um, analysis (wince) of the economy and her views on reproductive choice.
Shall we?
A bitch’s first thought…
Damn it to hell and back again if Governor Palin didn’t sum up the brand identity problem of the GOP with one speech. The marriage of traditional Republican values (small government and low taxes) with the modern social conservative bent (anti-choice, anti-separation of church and state, anti-equality and anti-intellectual) is the reason most regular folks can’t get down with that elephant. Most people are turned off by one or the other…and since all the multiple personalities trapped within the ravaged carcass of the GOP are vocal as a motherfucker, people don’t have a chance to fall in love with one for dislike of the other.
If a voter likes the fiscal responsibility angle…and can overlook the evidence of party bullshit that is the last eight years of The Great Republican Pork Festival…then they still run straight into a social agenda that hermit monks find oppressive.
If a voter adores the social agenda angle…and can get past the evidence of individual bullshit that is the last eight years of The Great Republican Failure to Walk that Walk that they Talk…then they still run straight into an economic agenda that is at best a well dressed corpse, lacking clarity beyond a series of historically inaccurate tea-based temper tantrums.
Once a bitch got past that fascinating ponderfication…
During her speech Governor Palin shared her experience of being unexpectedly pregnant and choosing to continue her pregnancy. She offered that she understands what other women face when confronted with an unplanned pregnancy...and a bitch can’t help but wonder at her lack of inner-work there.
Palin spoke of thinking about her options…pondering the decision and knowing that no one would know her choice…and then choosing to continue her pregnancy to term based on her personal faith. That is the experience her audience would like to deny women…choice. Palin's confidence in her decision is the emotion her audience seeks to destroy…her clarity of purpose is what they would like to dismantle for women.
Yet they applaud Palin’s choice even as they raise money towards the effort of denying other women the ability to make reproductive decisions…oh no....oh shit!
Fuck a duck, now my Afro hurts.
In conclusion...
Even as I wonder at the current state of Palin and her party I know that one should not sleep on this shit.
Republicans have an amazing ability to find the spin that makes otherwise rational people vote against their best interest and for that well dressed corpse-like split personality having hypocritical as a motherfucker knavish elephant.
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"Republicans have an amazing ability to find the spin"(they are the greatest marketers in the history of the world!). I am amazed at their spin skills. We must be vigilant because these folks could sell snow to an eskimo.
Example: How about the anti-tax marches. They are beginning with these. New tax law would benefit 95% of the populace but they are out their running marches so that the 5% who should be taxed don't get taxed. Know what? Most of those folks out there marching do not even fit into the catagory that would be affected but they are out there anyone. This is just the most recent example of their ability to yell that the sky is falling and get people on board.
Obama's first term will be spent defusing their spin machine. He had to go on the air and restate that 95% Of Americans were not going to be taxed. He has had to say this a million times because of GOP nonsense. They are such an albatross around our necks. They are becoming to spoil and reek and though we try we can not rid ourselves of them. We all know what is good for the GOP is bad for us and our lives.
I did not hear nor read this particular Palin speech (doesn't seem as if I missed out on much though); however, I always find myself smiling at the irony of a wealthy white woman with two incomes having the gall to assume that her choices are the same as those of poorer, darker, single-to-no income women who find themselves pregnant. Yes, she "ponders" on her choices (does she realize that thank goodness she has choices to ponder?) and then, has the LUXURY of deciding to go for her religious value system. The woman's train of thought and arguments are inconsistent at best, dangerous at worst.
I think you're bang on about the Republicans -- hadn't thought about it that way. (loved the line about the monks.)
All politicians spin, but Republicans have made the spin an art form.
"That is the experience her audience would like to deny women…choice. Palin's confidence in her decision is the emotion her audience seeks to destroy…her clarity of purpose is what they would like to dismantle for women."
You are brilliant. Thank you.
Might it be possible that anti-choicers NEED choice in order to have those good smushy righteous feelings about themselves? Telling themselves that they're personally responsible for making the "right" choice is just so much more godly and satisfying than having something dictated to them...
Ugh. Keep fighting the good fight.
The reason that the GOP has such good spin is that rich people pay their public relations/lobbying groups (e.g. American Enterprise Institute, Heritage Foundation) a ton of money to develop and spew the nonsense.
It's the same reason Bloomberg is NYC's mayor. Money talks.
Fantastic article. I totally agree with Miss Trudy!
We don't hear much about Sarah Palin over here in Australia anymore. Thank god for that!
I'm an Alaskan and let me tell you that Palin is not your average woman. As someone else on here stated - she is a rich, white woman with two incomes. Furthermore, she brought her baby to work even though she does not allow other State workers to bring their newborns to work.
Did you see her recent appointment for Alaska's Assistant Attorney General? If you haven't - look up Wayne Anthony Ross and see his quotes on abortion (which he states is his life mission to outlaw), guns, gay and lesbian marriage (he once called gays 'degenerates'). Thankfully - he was voted down but it was shocking how many people actually voted for him!
Omgz!!! Hahahahahaha! You just hit the nail on the head over and over! I heart yr blogs so much. Sawry yr afro hurts. :-/
Sheer brilliance here! Thank you : )
[quote]The marriage of traditional Republican values (small government and low taxes) with the modern social conservative bent (anti-choice, anti-separation of church and state, anti-equality and anti-intellectual) is the reason most regular folks can’t get down with that elephant.[/quote]
Excuse me Ms 'B':
Where as you argue in the negation of the Republicans as to why nobody you know is down with them - can you make the case that in the areas where the strongest non-Republicans live there is much merriment and joy?
It amazes me as to how some people can articulate why they aren't down with "conservatives" (I am not a Republican") but can't seem to get past the long list of grievances that they still have DESPITE their favored party and ideology being in place.
We know what you are AGAINST - what are you FOR and IS IT WORKING?
Or do you plan to KEEP TRYING HARDER to implement it?
I live in Missouri where part of working for social justice is defending against those who seek to deny it and hold a majority in state government even if they do not hold statewide offices.
A huge part of the struggle is working in support of programs, policies and people who are trying to do great things for my community.
I do both because both must be done.
And I've dedicated my life to doing both through my work, my volunteer work and my writing.
As for happiness and joy in non-Republican dominated areas...I'd love to face that challenge here in Missouri. I'd love to wake up and be able to focus 100% on building strong communities instead of balancing that work with a never ending defense against folks who aggressively push for anti-family policies.
But I'm not new to this game and am more than aware that doing away with Republican control does not instantly result in a happy perfect world.
'Tis about efficiency...about where energy is focused. About the time spent defending choice and the time spent supporting programs and policies that empower people, promote prevention and support families.
And my favored ideology (progressive bitchitude) is not in place here in Missouri. Just take a good look at our current legislative session and you'll see why change ain't easy and how the states can fuck shit up on their own.
Thanks for dropping by.
***logs off the go to work and defend choice***
"That is the experience her audience would like to deny women…choice."
The choice women need to have is the choice whether to engage in procreative sex or not. If you don't want to conceive but you have to have sex, use your finger, use a vibrator, use an oral sex partner, use anything other than a penis, OK? If you feel like you have to have sex with This Guy, despite the fact that you don't want to get pregnant...why? Whatever that reason is, THAT'S what you need to be freed from.
Abortion is just a lie, the final piece of the lie that you can have any kind of sex you want without consequences. The only bright line biology can give you between your body and your child's body is the genetic difference between your egg and your child's zygote. From fertilization on, those are the cells of someone else's body.
"Might it be possible that anti-choicers NEED choice in order to have those good smushy righteous feelings about themselves? Telling themselves that they're personally responsible for making the "right" choice is just so much more godly and satisfying than having something dictated to them..."
That's a delusion. If you care about thinking the truth about other people, flush this line of thought straight out of your mind. Anti-abortion people are against abortion because it kills a million human beings a year give or take. Period. Are there reprehensible pseudo-Christians who enjoy feeling "righteous" at other people's expense? You bet. That is not the core of pro-life political feeling; that's a fringe that manages to be just loud enough to poison the image of the rest of the movement. Are there anti-intellectuals who cling to that as part of their warped vision of the church of Christ? You bet. But on this issue, the anti-intellectualism is really on the other side.
Gee Paul, thanks for sharing.
I'm going to let that comment stand along...like a stinky fart in a humid room.
[quote]I'd love to wake up and be able to focus 100% on building strong communities instead of balancing that work with a never ending defense against folks who aggressively push for anti-family policies.[/quote]
A good friend of mine who lives in Philadelphia attempted to rebut my notation that the city of Philadelphia is an 85% Democrat city by telling me that it is the STATE CONSERVATIVES who thwart Philadelphia from moving forward. In HIS VIEW the fact that the "White conservatives" throughout the state were unwilling to yield their gun ownership rights in order to prevent Black people from shooting each other it was the White folks who were racist rather than the Black person shooting another Black via the presence of a gun being the more deadly proof of "hatred".
His redirection over to these "external thwarting forces" derailed my argument slightly.
Then I remembered that in near by Baltimore there is, at least on paper, an array of favorable people working to advance "social justice":
A person living in North Baltimore:
* Has a City Council representative who is a Democrat
* Has a City Council majority because they have 100% Democrats on their council
* Has a mayor who is a Democrat
* Has a school board rep who is a Democrat
* Has a school board that is majority Democrat
* Has a State Rep who is a Democrat
* Has a State Senator who is a Democrat
* Has a sizable Democratic majority in the State House
* Has a significant Democratic majority in the State Senate
* Has a US Rep who is a Democrat
* Has 2 US Senators who are Democrats
* In a US House that is majority Democrat
* In a US Senate with a filibuster proof majority when Franken is seated
Shark-fu - DESPITE this full deck of favorable representatives - a sizable portion of the residents in Baltimore don't have the "Social Justice" that you strive for.
Despite them having this favorable alignment do you suggest that the TRY HARDER to get a more favorable political arrangement OR DO SHOULD THEY SEEK A NEW STRATEGY if their interests are to ACHIEVE THEIR GOALS rather than advance Democrat and Progressive position?
Ditto Chicago except 1 Republican alderman out of a total of 50 aldermen.
Ditto Milwaukee
Ditto Newark
Do you see a pattern here?
I am no so sure that it is the PEOPLE WHO ARE SEEKING TO STOP YOU that are your problem.
Constructive Feedback- you seem to have the answers what is your point and what are you working for?
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