Fellow Missourians, our long statewide nightmare is coming to an end.
Gov. Blunt, saying that he has accomplished everything he set out to do (which means that he meant to bring about absolute fubar) will not seek re-election.
So many of you have shared condolences and support after the death of my beloved brother Bill from COVID-19. I wish I could thank you indiv...
That is the cutest picture.
* Doing a little dance singing "ding dong the witch is dead"*
And the sun shines just a little bit brighter in MO this morning . . .
Ah, he did what he wanted to do, he says.
I don't recall that he specifically stated that he wanted to decimate an urban school district when he ran, but that could have been hidden in the "live where no one wants to live" comment.
I'm giggling over the Repub's surprise. hehehe
This week has just been full of suprises. I live in KC and the political farce that is our Mayor, Mark Funkhouser/Gloria Squatiro, and Park's Board Member/Minuteman organizer, Frances Semler has finally ended with Semler's resignation. Coupled with Blunt Trama's decision not to run, a good week for the Show Me state. Now, if we could only figure out a way to completely disown the blight that is Rush Limbaugh.
Congrats on the big bad witch going bye bye. Next, let's get rid of the President.
I'm working on two votes for the next election - my father and his wife. Let ya' know how it goes.
Why don't YOU run!?
Praise Jebus!!!! This is awfully good news Shark Fu..
You should run..seriously..after Blunt Trauma, people must be clamoring for a bonafide leader.
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