Thanks the gods for coffee.
Shall we?
A bitch read that many man-on-woman married couples are citing Facebook in their divorce filings and I’m waiting for the marriage protectionists to respond.
***crickets warm up with vocal exercises***
Will marriage protectionists kick off a state-by-state anti-Facebook ballot initiative campaign?
Perhaps they’ll begin to incorporate Facebook abstinence pledges into their man-on-woman marriage preparedness classes.
***crickets take the stage***
Or maybe they’ll try to address the threat of Facebook to sanctified
***and then the crickets sing “Our D.I.V.O.R.C.E becomes final today. Me and little J.O.E will be goin' away. I love you both and it will be pure H.E double L for me. Oh, I wish that we could stop this D.I.V.O.R.C.E.”***
Does anyone really believe that the "defense of marriage act" is any such thing? Really?
If that were true, if the people who are so afraid of acknowledging that gays and lesbians are human beings and desire and deserve equal rights under the law were truly in favor of defending marriage... well, seems to me that the place to start would be with strict social penalties for politicians and church leaders and other pillars of the community who cheat on their spouses or divorce for any reason. Dismiss them, shun them, strip them of their position and influence. They, after all, are showing the little children that marriage is far from a sacred state, but is a mutable state at best.
I saw that shit on TV yesterday.....funny how complaints began after Facebook became the first social networking website to display your interactions with other people. Failure.
You have the feds catching their "Most Wanted" on Twitter. Employers are denying jobs over your facebook content. If they are doing all this now it means snooping women have been on it for at least three years or more! HaHa
@Jazztaylor : two questions :
"it means snooping women have been on it for at least three years or more!" Men can snoop, too....??
"Facebook became the first social networking website to display your interactions with other people"
Are you sure Fesse bouc realistically displays your interaction with other people?? (I can imagine it displays virtual interactions with virtual people, but it is rather easy to look nicer, or, if one have some crual weird humor, like a psychopath, while one is rather dull in the real life).... This would make using Fesse-bouc as a proof for divorce or firing rather silly, if I am right.
These freaks would be downright funny if they weren't so damn scary and pathetic.
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