Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Just a touch of love...a little bit...

Cranky Prof has inspired a bitch!

What a bitch loves...in no particular order…

1. A slow walk through the park in autumn surrounded by vibrantly colored leaves, with the air just touched with a chill and a cozy house waiting for me upon my return.

2. Apple pie a la mode for breakfast.

3. My family, by blood and by the grace of Gawd.

4. A really good Crème Brulee and a side of coffee.

5. The sound of babies laughing.

6. That feeling of exhausted relief after a good, long, hard emotional cry.

7. Sitting around with nothing my ass has to do and shooting the shit with C-Money and/or friends.

8. Soul food eaten at a table surrounded by soulful people.

9. Jazz...the way Miles played it...

10. Wit, humor and a well phrased sentence.


J said...

The picture of creme' brule made me wish I had a reservation somewhere tonight! But we'll be eating cookies from my daughter's V day cookie exchange at school. Maybe there will be a cb flavored one in there somewhere....sigh.

And, apple pie ala mode for breakfast is HEAVEN. :) Happy Day!

jOoLz said...


Mike said...

Miles, mmmmm.

Rich said...

Whats up Angry!!! HOws things? I hope you had a wonderfull V-day. Damn you had me roling with your "Duck Motherfucker" Blog. HeHeHe Still rolling. And now that bitch had a heart attack? Well he is a attorney. I wonder if there could be a worse person to shoot than an attorney. I say, Damn!!! YOu just shot an attorney and he didn't die!!! Shoot him again. Listen Shark-Fu I was wondering if it is just the smarties you are craving or maybe you are craving a wide variety of smarties. I can get you some German smarties if you need a fix. (Here in Germany the smarties are called Smarties). I can hook the bitch up with the smarties if the bitch can hook this bitch up with some hominy. Or better yet some "Cran" juice. I do love my vodka, but cant seem to find the Cran over here. Huh? Just playing.... Send me a mail and Ill send you some German Smarties ASAP. Peace and love from this side of the globe! Rich ( It's me RICH)

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