Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Birthday fantabulousness and some inner work...

Thank you to everyone who sent birthday wishes to this bitch!

This is also my blog anniversary…and trust that this bitch never thought my ass would be saying that.

One year ago, Brother Rob Thurman gave this bitch a birthday present and a bitch is grateful. To be honest, my ass enjoyed reading blogs but never envisioned myself writing one. But this has become quite a fun place to voice my opinions, share my thoughts and practice the fine art of bitchitude.

Thanks Rob.

Moving forward and feeling every one of my 33 years…

Some inner work...
A bitch has a pet peeve that is worthy of exploration on my birthday.


A bitch entered the corporate world a wee bit younger than some…not younger than all. At 20, this bitch fell victim to age specific discrimination. My first job was in an office full of women in both management and support roles. And the office was racially diverse. Yet, a bitch was subjected to passive aggressive digs, inappropriate use of language and some overt discrimination based on my age.

Now this bitch has been around enough people of varying ages to know that age is nothing but a number. My ass was quite disappointed to witness that getting older didn’t mean getting wiser.

A bitch knows better than to connect age with wisdom. Some dumb motherfuckers are more than double my age and some wise people are half my age...and vice versa.

Yet lately this bitch has found myself saying that a person’s stupid behavior is because they are “young” and have some “living yet to do”.


And nothing pisses me off more than practicing a behavior with others that annoys the hell out of me when others do it to me. Shit and double shit!

So, a bitch is going to address this issue and do some inner work.

No more "girl", "kid" or "youngster"!

Gawd, a bitch can’t stand that shit.


A bitch feels better now.

And once this bitch has completed my inner work, my ass can then begin calling motherfuckers out when they do it to me (wink).

Ahhh…the joy of self improvement!


TwinsGoddess said...

The happiest of birthdays to you, ABB!

And I think that a person's emotional/live experience age is not always the same as their chronological age. I've said similar things, that certain individuals have some lessons still to learn--but that's with the understanding that some of us learn them young, and some of us never learn them at all.

Clearly you, oh goddess of bitchitude, are wiser than your years would imply (whatever the actual number is...)

BarefootCajun said...

Happy, Happy Birthday, ABB! And Happy Blogiversary as well!

I'm glad I stumbled onto this blog one day quite a few months ago. I love reading your thoughts and expressions. You are a fantabulous writer. Keep it up.

GayProf said...

Happy Birthday! You are such a super-bitch (in the good way).


Brick City said...

Happy Birthday & Anniversary! I wish I had half your talent and insights!

Maven said...

Forgive me... but, Happy Belated Bitchtastic Birthday Greetings to ya!!! Hope 33 treats you magnificent!!

... saying that a person’s stupid behavior is because they are “young” and have some “living yet to do”.

Yanno, I work with a woman who is in her 60s who fits that sentence fragment and all I can say is:

Trifling is as trifling does.

It's amazing the depths of stupidity some folks exhibit... only they're too dense to realize they should count their blessings that BREATHING is an involuntary response.

notfornothin said...

happy birthday bitch. here's to us pisces. have a great one. hope to see you soon.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, ABB!! and a very happy Blogiversary, too!

I can't remember how i came across your blog now, but you have become my standard 4pm appointment. You are a thoughful commentator, making me laugh out loud (much to the curiosity of my coworkers) and getting me all sorts of pissed off. Which is good, cause i need to break out of that defeatist funk every now and again with a giggle and snarl.

I wish i could send you smarties in gratitude, but alas, New England denies me!

Ancrene Wiseass said...

Happy birthday and blogiversary, ABB!

And you're so right about ageism. It's all too easy to relax right into enacting that kind of discrimination, even when you've experienced it yourself.

The unexamined life may not be worth living, but the examined life sure as hell ain't easy.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear bi-itch!
Happy birthday to you?

33 is prime, girlfriend. Enjoy!

Lisa said...

YEY for birthdays! I hope you get the requisite parade and all manner of treats that you love!

Here's to another year of living, loving, learning and blogging!

christine mtm said...

ack, meant to pass on the well wishes earlier today, but i've been running like a mad woman all say.

happy happy and lots of blessings to you!!!

PissedOffPencil said...

Happy belated Birthday, ABB!

33? You're still just a little girl, at least on the inside. You still love Smarties, don't you? :)

CrankyProf said...

Happy birthday, Dear Biiiiitch! I beat you to 33 by mere days!

Happy blogiversary, as well. Keep up the bitchitude!

CrankyProf said...

Happy birthday dear Biiiiiiitch!

And happy blogiversary, as well.

Go out and enjoy some vodka/cran, some smothered goodness, and bask in your bitchitude!

Hammer said...

Feliz Cumpleanos ABB!
I love that your self-improvement is driven by bitchiness, makes me happy! hahah. Funny!



PS Are we going to see your play this weekend?

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