Monday, September 17, 2012

Locked out…


Anyone who knows me knows that I adore hockey and get a lot of joy out of the NHL season.  Thanks to a fantabulous year last year for my beloved Blues, I also got a hell of a lot of joy out of the post-season!

But NHL hockey requires NHL hockey players…and they deserve a fair deal since they are the ones giving the faithful something to cheer about.

I’m just hoping for a quick, fair, and long lasting resolution.

***sends offering up to the hockey gods***

1 comment:

Garpu said...

I feel your pain.

And, yep. I've been a musician. I know they get paid well *now*, but I don't think they would, if it wasn't for the musician's union's influence. I can't imagine what things would be like for the players, if there was no NHLPA.

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