Let’s jump right on in, shall we?
Y’all know how much I adore Newt Gingrich.
I adore Newt for
the guaranteed red-faced asshole moments that he brings with him wherever he
roams...and I'm not 'shamed!
I was seriously bummed when he finally admitted that his ass didn’t have
a chance in hell of winning the GOP nomination.
Anyhoo, with Newt out and Ron Paul behaving himself this
bitch was convinced that the GOP was fixin’ to get their ducks in a row, impose
the campaign lock-down loyalty oath-based control that they perfected when
running Bush the II, and put on a show to transition the anointed one from If
Elected I’ll Hate Just Like You Hate into I Want to be Everyone's BFF and Drink Beer
With Y'al While Watching the Game candidate for the general election.

I shouldn’t have doubted.
I should have had faith!
Because the blog content gods resurrected Trump the Birther
just in time for Romney’s big delegate clinch!!
Trump got his ass on all over the television…he took on
Wolfie B. on CNN to make his Birther claim…he's off message ALL OVER THE PLACE!
It got so bad that Newt Gingrich emerged to contradict Trump on his Birther claim with a desperate “Romney’s not distracted, the Republican
Party is not distracted” mantra that, given the fact that Trump was still
mouthing off and distracting the hell out of everyone, came across as more dream
than reality.
It's BEAUTIFUL, people.
Mitt’s been well schooled in how to present an
expressionless face to the press…but even his ass struggled to hide his reluctance
when trying to dodge questions about why he’s hanging out with Trump while
Trump continues to rant about Obama’s citizenship.
Mayhap Romney thinks there’s something to gain from
race-baiting Obama despite the fact that it didn’t pay off for the Dems in the '08 primary and it
didn’t pay off for McCain in the general.
Could it be that Trump is bullying Romney (the former bully) and just won’t
Romney has managed to look weak when challenged to provide some leadership on the Birther drama, easily bought cause what happens in Vegas rarely stays in Vegas when you fundraise in Vegas with the King of the Birthers, and politically
immature when faced with a perfect set-up to look like the better dude and correct Trump.
And he did all that shit on the same day he finally wrap up the GOP nomination.
***logs off to make offering of gratitude to the gods of
blog content***