Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Send a message to Mr. Obama for Darfur…

Speaking of leadership tests...

The genocide in Darfur didn’t end just because the media has stopped covering it and bringing an end to the atrocities there needs to be a priority from day one.

Please take a moment and visit Add Your Voice to send a message to President-elect Obama urging him to keep his promise of unstinting resolve to end the genocide in Darfur.



Anonymous said...

Done. My comment:

"We (meaning they) say Iraq is about freedom and democracy. So is Darfur. It is way past time to act."

Thanks for reminding us. How easily things can slip from our minds after they slip off the front page.

Anonymous said...

Honest question: Does that mean you'd support military intervention? The kind of atrocities occuring in Darfur are usually only stopped at gun-point.

Unknown said...

Thank you for posting this. Darfur is the biggest nightmare on earth that is being ignored by the MSM.

Shark-Fu said...

Mike - honest answer: I'm no expert on the strategic options on the table and I sincerely hope that military intervention is not called for, but I also recognize the limits of peace keeping.

We need to get about the business of exploring the options...and factor in what did not work in Rwanda and what finally brought an end to that slaughter.

And then we need to act based on a plan, and may God have mercy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the honest answer; you're more realistic than many I've queried on the same subject. Lord knows, I don't have an answer either, as any well-intentioned military option can bog down quickly due to several variables. Given how ugly the situation is, likely it will take a mix of diplomacy and firepower.

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