Not that I think Dick Cheney is grinning hard whilst gazing at some naked young thang.
C’mon now, y’all know better than that!
Examine the facts, damnit (picture is available through this link)!
Let's see now...Dick Cheney is grinning hard, he’s wearing his Duck Motherfucker outerwear ensemble plus hat and he’s outside.

And reflected in his sunglasses is what appears to be some sort of figure.
Uh huh.
A bitch recommends that folks find out who didn’t make it back from that vacation trip and start looking for recently turned earth.
Oh as if Dick Cheney getting his freak on with a human being makes more sense…
Okay, I think you are right on this one... a whole lotta nuthin.
That said, what about going back to the whole "shooting accident" and rethinking it? My gf has a theory:
He was out hunting with another man and two women, neither of which was his wife Lynne. Perhaps this was more than a friendly gathering--the women were girlfriends--and our Veep didn't want to get busted for his extra-curricular sexual activities? Just a thought.
Phil Plait did a good job of debunking this, and this is the proof:
"Fourth, and the clincher, is the lack of human blood dribbling from Cheney’s mouth; it’s well known that he cannot resist feasting on the organs and lifeblood of naked virgins[.]"
I think that's case closed.
I think this has gone viral now as Keith Olbermann even did a piece on it.
I frankly don't care if the Big Dick Cheney is looking at a naked anything..unless it causes his mechanical heart to stop..
Then I will be dancing in the streets. I am not wishing him dead..but just wouldn't break my lil black heart one damn bit.
...Duck motherfucker outerwear ensemble...
ABB you crack me up... I am dying here....
If is is as lesboprof said, then I guess he does need to 'duck' then...
hmmm....kinda looks like a man...but maybe my eyes are deceiving me.
Republicans, tending to be self-loathing-homo-h8trs, I would imagine that the reflection is probably a boy
Either that, or they are using naked Iraqis as target practice
I think he is likely to have done something heinous like kill an innocent woman. These Mason/Illuminati types like to parade their intentions and their crimes in our face. It's a way of mocking us (humans on planet earth), mocking our stupidity. Listen to Alan Watt (singular, not "Watts").
Soon a cleansing.
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