Congratulations go out to the activists, providers, and volunteers who worked so damn hard to defeat a horrible abortion restriction law in Texas way back in 2013, and who fought all the way to the victory at the US Supreme Court yesterday!
Way to work, people!
It is too soon to tell what impact the SCOTUS victory will have on Missouri, but I am hopeful that it provides a tool to dismantle similar anti-abortion laws here and across the country.
Go. Fight. WIN!
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Why Political Platforms Must Center the Most Marginalized People
I just have to share SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective Executive Director Monica Simpson’s speech before the Democratic National Convention Platform Drafting Committee on June 17.
Folk can also check out Rewire’s reprint of Monica’s remarks: Why Political Platforms Must Center the Most Marginalized People
Monica is such a gift to the movement.
And I stand with her and SisterSong in this demand.
Folk can also check out Rewire’s reprint of Monica’s remarks: Why Political Platforms Must Center the Most Marginalized People
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Pondering what happened in the room where it happens...
The Missouri Democratic Party (MDP) recently held their state convention.
Some shit went down.
Not old school “shit”, like back in the days of Truman when folk would fist-fight and then kick a horse.
I’m talking new-school shit, when people who are new to party politics meet up with folk who could run a clinic on how to get your party politics on...and shit gets real ‘cause oil and water and all that jazz.
I’ve seen Facebook posts congratulating supporters of Bernie Sanders for advancing his agenda at the Missouri state convention. I’ve browsed through pictures of smiling newly elected delegates and read blog posts breaking down how Sanders supporters organized to get what was definitely an impressive turnout that garnered significant outcomes.
Some articles make it seem as if Team Sanders owned the room.
I’ve seen posts from Clinton supporters too, some expressing anger and frustration, others resigned to what went down.
Across the board, folk seem excited to move forward to the DNC.
But the thing is...and you just knew there was a thing...
I’ve also been flooded with emails, texts, calls, and GChats (Lawd, give me strength!) expressing outrage that attendees failed to pass resolutions on abortion rights, LGBT non-discrimination, or voting rights.
That got my attention.
Missouri has one abortion clinic, a 72-hour mandatory waiting period for abortion, and a state legislature that has made it their goal to end abortion access. My state is a test kitchen for abortion restrictions...and no progressive worth their vote doesn’t know that.
In Missouri, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people can be fired from their jobs, evicted from their homes, and denied access to public accommodations and services.
And in November, Missouri voters will decide on a constitutional amendment that would require photo identification in order to vote. A study by Missouri Secretary of State Kander found that 220,000 registered Missourians don’t have photo ID. Y’all can do the math on just how devastating this poll tax dressed up to look like a ballot measure would be.
If you want to know what Democratic lawmakers in Missouri end up spending too much time defending and not enough time advancing, these are on the top of the list and you can add in worker rights and freaky tax bullshit.
So, yay...glad to see resolutions on new stuff and workers rights and taxes.
But, seriously.
When that many progressives gather in a space to elect delegates and pass resolutions that are being and will continue to be used to frame the state party’s priorities...and the gathering fails to pass resolutions supporting abortion rights, LGBT equality, and voting rights…
Whatever the fuck DID happen is not what could have or should have happened in the room where it happened.
A Quick Note on Representation.
The same logic that inspired Sanders supporters to organize around the state convention...the understanding that representation matters, no one can speak for you or advocate for your beliefs like one of you, and the concern that other folk may not prioritize your issues the way you need them to be prioritized…
Yeah, that’s the same logic that makes me cringe at the fact that no people of color were selected as 2016-2020 DNC Members-Elect.
And it wasn’t that people of color weren’t in the room where it happened.
Nope, everyone isn't already on the same page.
If I had a dollar for every time someone running for office in Missouri with a giant “D” by their name failed to give a full throated endorsement of abortion rights, I’d be able to finance photo ids for the 200,000 Missourians who may lose the vote in November.
And I’m not even going to dive into the confusion, messed up strategy, and compromises made on voting rights.
As for LGBT Equality, Dems have come a long way. But now is not the time to tone down support for non-discrimination bills or equality in general.
Now is the time to get specific as hell and loud about abortion, non-discrimination, and voting rights.
That isn’t what happened in the room where it happened.
Did Paper Fly and Shouts Ring Out in the Room Where It Happened?
At a fucking minimum, I expect a damn revolt when an abortion resolution doesn’t pass.
At a minimum, I expect paper to fly and shouts to ring out when a voting rights resolution isn’t proposed.
And damn it all to hell, if you can gather and organize to fight for representation on the slate, then you damn sure should be able to do the same for a non-discrimination resolution.
At a minimum, that should have happened in the room where it happened.
What Comes Next?
I’m left feeling that it is what it is.
The party will move forward.
The new blood made their priorities clear, and sent a strong message to the party about those priorities.
In the end, the big story out of the state gathering was representation.
Who organized and got what they wanted.
Who didn’t.
Do I think MODems are going to suddenly become horrible on LGBT rights?
But a resolution would have sent a clear message to candidates, voters, and Missourians that MDP is all in on MONA and everyone else should be too.
Do I think MODems are going to stand up for abortion rights and demand the same of candidates who run under the party’s banner?
Some will, others won’t.
The party has a long way to go, and the lack of a resolution on abortion rights won’t help address a history littered with inconsistent and reluctant support for abortion rights.
Do I think MODems aren’t committed to protecting voting rights?
I’m pretty confident that Dems are committed to voting rights, particularly since the votes under attack are usually Dem votes.
But we’ve got a monster of a ballot measure coming up in November, and a resolution would have been a nice reminder to the press, voters, and Missourians that voting rights are under attack and Missouri Dems are the ones deep in the battle to protect them.
And no, I'm not just bitching to bitch.
These are Missouri specific issues that should be a priority for Dems because they sure as shit are a priority for the MO GOP.
In summary…
The world doesn’t revolve around the Missouri Democratic party, resolutions, or non-binding party platforms.
That said, it does matter what people do and what they fight for when they are in the room where it happens.
It is a privilege to be able to journey to Sedalia, spend the day there, and participate in the state convention. I personally don't think it should be so damn hard for folk like me to go...for all the reasons and then some.
But it is what it is.
And now we move onward.
Resolved...sort of.
***cue Hamilton’s History Has Its Eyes On You***
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
I'm back!
One of the reasons I’ve been missing in action online is that I’ve been busy as hell offline with my new organization Reproaction. I’m so excited to be part of an amazing team dedicated to building a culture of direct action to increase access to abortion and advance reproductive justice!
But I've missed y'all. And I've missed practicing the fine art of bitchitude.
So, yeah...I'm back.
I'm working on a post for tomorrow, but until then...
But I've missed y'all. And I've missed practicing the fine art of bitchitude.
So, yeah...I'm back.
I'm working on a post for tomorrow, but until then...
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
SOTU 2016 Preparedness…
Y’all, I’ve been missing from the internets because I’ve been hard at work getting my new gig Reproaction up and running. I’m amazed at what we’ve been able to accomplish in just eight months! So exciting.
Now that life has settled into a more predictable rhythm, I’ve decided to dusted off my keyboard and get my bitchitude on again.
Shall we?
Tonight is President Obama’s final State of the Union address. Time has flown! It seems like just yesterday Rep. Joe Wilson was indulging in a public display of no-home-training by shouting nonsense, and now here we are in 2016 about to witness Obama’s final SOTU.
I'll be watching from the comfort of my cozy living room...with some yummy snacks and beverages too. Sadly, my beloved sorta-beagles have gone on to their blessed reward in dawg heaven. My new canine companion, Miss Zelda Bear, is a large 2 year-old Kuvasz-ish fluffy sweet-faced joy. This is probably Zelda’s first SOTU, so I plan to make it exciting for her by giving her a bone to chew.
The current plan is to fry up some catfish and gather up a salad.
Oh, and there will be vodka cocktails too.
***rubs hands together in glee***
Let the games begin!
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