Daylight savings is fucked up! A bitch’s system is a mess. Oh well, my ass hopes everyone remembered to check their batteries in their smoke detectors…and reset their clocks.

Okay chil’ren…tomorrow is Election Day and this bitch urges everyone to get their vote on! A bitch has been bombarded with election based mail and e-mails. As usual, this bitch is researching the topics and candidates through multiple sources. My ass is currently perusing
Pub Def (who was kind enough to publish
a video voter guide), the
Arch City Chronicle and the
St. Louis Post Dispatch and then back reference the actual mailings, web sites and so forth.
See y’all al the polls tomorrow…
My normal…April is Autism Awareness Month. This bitch’s older brother, Bill, is
hyperactive, and
aphasic . 1 in 166 chil’ren is born with autism, which is currently defined as a spectrum condition. Bill is profoundly autistic and manifests a whole lot of that spectrum on a daily basis.
Autism is a family condition. Parents, chil’ren, siblings, cousins, grandparents and so forth are impacted by the joy and concern…the frustration and the drama…the spectrum of experiences that accompanies this spectrum-based condition.
Being the youngest in my family, this bitch has always lived with autism. People often ask me if it was hard growing up with an autistic sibling and a bitch always answers that it was
my normal. It took me some time to get to that point of understanding.

Someone asked several posts ago whether a bitch has faith in Gawd and the question made me think about Bill.
As a wee bitch, my ass believed that Gawd answered the prayers of good people. Be good…be perfect in the Devine One’s eyes…and your prayers would be answered. What a deal! So, a bitch prayed every single day that my brother Bill wake up normal. This was not a malicious prayer. A bitch witnessed him struggle with language, potty training, control and basically everything. My ass just wanted him to be ‘normal’. Added to Bill’s struggle was the impact his being autistic had on our family. A bitch was too young to realize that my parent’s marriage was going to shit for a whole lot of reasons…my ass was certain that it was because of autism and the strain of utilizing our family as a treatment mechanism daily.
This bitch slowly became enraged that Gawd wasn’t making Bill normal. My ass woke up on time for school, meticulously cleaned my room, ate all my vegetables, never used naughty words (wink) and literally asked for forgiveness immediately after any child-based transgression all in an effort to ensure my goodness, Gawd’s pleasure and Bill’s cure.
Yet, day after day, a bitch woke up to autistic drama. Bill sitting naked on

the front lawn eating an apple and soaking up the sun and the horrified stares of our asshole neighbors…which is funny as shit now, but beyond mortifying then. Bill using his closet as a toilet, his waste as finger paint and his temper as language. Day after fucking day, month after month, prayer after prayer.
By rage built and then crested. A bitch lost it one afternoon when Bill was having a tantrum…again. My ass flew to my bedroom and began hitting my pillow and cursing Gawd. At 9 years old my ass was angry, but still infused with faith. In my mind, Gawd just needed to see that a bitch was pissed.
“Hello? This shit isn’t cool! Fair is fair and this bitch has been good as a fix this shit NOW!”
Finally, my anger was spent and a bitch indulged in a crying jag. Spent and exhausted, curled up on the bed and my ass had a pre-teen meltdown. Then…and this bitch remembers it as if it were yesterday…a bitch was fine.

'Fine' washed right over me like a fucking wave…cool and calming, contentment in full glory. A prayer answered…and normal redefined.
My normal was born and a bitch has been grateful to Gawd everyday since for the gift of that.
See, Bill is perfect in Gawd’s eyes. It was a bitch who needed some work. Over the years this bitch has worked through a lot of shit regarding Bill. He is, after all, my older brother and it is my responsibility to be bitter now and then (wink).
That’s just…well, normal.
April is
Autism Awareness Month.
Be aware of the redefinition of normal within the spectrum…of the generosity of the human mind…and of the thousands of families living their own normal in your community.